Friday, May 25, 2007

Off to the Triple T Races!

My bags are packed, and in about :30 I will load my car and drive over to pick up Kevin, and then to Lori's house to load my stuff into her van, bikes on car, and off we go, including Marc.

I have a bunch of stuff for Cindy, her husband and son, just because they're my friends and also for our team spirit. I even brought a length of rope so we can tie ourselves together during the run on Sunday, which I heard is a good thing when *someone* doesn't want to climb yet another hill. We shall see which of us that is!

I have my nutrition all planned out, and hopefully it will work out. Coke, Ultra Violence, caffeine-laced Infinit, coffee, pretty much all forms of caffeine! And in case you were worried, I've been using it in training the last few weeks. Coke is good, but Ultra Violence is just plain MAGICAL! I think I have enough in my giant Fuel Belt for Sunday's run for both Cindy and me. We'll be needing all the help we can get!

Weather looks hot but dry; it's been hot here this week except today the temps have dropped somewhat, and I'm not sure I'm totally heat acclimated, which is one of the challenges of May races for me. May temps can go up and down. Oh well, nothing to do now but race!

My back lawn was CRAWLING with emerging cicadas last night. Something tells me this 17-year thing is going to bring me good luck at the races all season. So far so good--I've knocked out a pile of running including a marathon and half marathon, 4 sprint races, and here come 4 more this weekend!

Enjoy your weekend, especially if you have Monday off, and I'll see you on the other side of yet another adventure!

1 comment:

Trevor Oseen said...

Good Luck!