Friday, September 07, 2007

Interesting Dream

I have always enjoyed remembering and thinking about dreams. They are one of the ways we work through things, giving the brain time to free associate and assemble bits and pieces of thoughts and feelings.

In the vivid dream I remember from last night, I was in a bus or train station (not sure which), waiting for my bus or train to arrive. I had a suitcase, and I was wearing a black coat--the black coat that I remade from one of my Mom's coats while in college--I took apart her original coat and cut a new one out of new fabric. At some point, I took the coat off and hung it up because there was going to be a wait, and I don't recall what I was wearing under the coat (I wasn't naked!). I did keep the suitcase with me, though, and I put it down to go up to the ticket counter, and when I got back it was gone! Someone had taken it. I was going to go outside and give chase, so I went to get my coat, and it was gone, too! I remember sobbing uncontrollably in the dream because there were things in the suitcase that I could never replace (not sure what things exactly), and the coat was something very dear to me that could also not be replaced.

When I woke up from the dream, I felt the sadness I had felt while dreaming. In looking at my favorite online dream analysis site and some books, I can make a few inferences about the dream:
  • Being robbed signifies that I'm experiencing an identity crisis and/or feel a sense of loss. Amazing, huh?
  • A suitcase either symbolizes that I'm very together (not!) or that I am in need of a vacation.
  • A coat signifies my protectiveness and defensiveness. OK, so take away my coat!
Putting this together, I'm having an identity crisis and feel like part of me is being stripped away! This is not a bad thing. I just love it when dreams meet reality.

Off to Madison now...


Michael Lardizabal said...

Every so often I get a dream so wicked I wake up in a puddle of sweat.
Eating red meat after 8pm used to make it worse. According to my doctor,one's digestion rate over peaks in trying to break down beef causing all sorts of elevated levels .

Think happy thoughts : )

effendi said...

Well, on the bright side, you really don't want a coat on when doing a triathlon :P