Friday, October 10, 2008

Blast from the Past

In taking everything off the shelves in my home office, I came across a folder that my Mom gave me years ago containing schoolwork of mine when I was really young. I will need to go through it all in detail now, but here's something I wrote on some June 2 for English class. My guess is I wrote this in first or second grade. My younger sister is 4 years younger than me. I was constantly sitting her down in front of a magnetic white board and playing school with her before she was even in school. I loved school myself, and I wanted her to love it as much as I did.

Once I tried to teach my little sister who learns the wrong way. She uses purple for faces. I taught her to use peach. One day she used purple. She must have learned or heard wrong. When I had taught her a few things, she thought she could start teaching. So she did. In learning about colors she didn't remember very well. One of the pupils said, "I think Lisa has taught me wrong. I think I have learned the wrong things. I'm positive I am learning the wrong things. The other pupils said that she teaches wrong." I said I knew what was wrong. I told her that Lisa doesn't remember well. So she made you learn wrong. She knew she didn't know everything. So I told her to try not to teach unless she was absolutely sure she was smart enough.

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