Sunday, March 01, 2009

Mojo Coming Back

I wasn't sure how much of anything I would do today...some kinda long run (according to Dr. I was not supposed to run until tomorrow, ha ha--actually it started out as "no running for a week" to which I said "That will not be happening") and then swimming, depending. Warmed up with 5' of jump rope, 2x5 chinups, 20 pushups and about 5' of abs. Feeling good! Onto the treadmill, feeling good, nothing seems to be breaking, ended up going 1:55 for 12.3 miles, not blazing, but felt strong. Felt like I could have run a marathon today. Followed up with 2800 yds. (700 with paddles) swimming, which also felt great until maybe the last 400 when my body said FEED ME!!!

I have to mess with the training schedule for the coming week since I want to get in all the regularly scheduled S/B/R plus do well at the last of the 4 indoor tris on Sunday, plus I did no brick runs this week so I need to sneak in a couple or 3. Which means I need to move my long ride to Friday (including a brick run), and instead of a long run on Sunday after the race (my wave isn't until 3:05 PM so fuck that), I'll just spread out running throughout the week to get to my necessary total.

It feels like my mojo is coming back in a big way, as this is the best I've felt in months, really, just strong, solid and ready for much, much more. As it should be with Triple T in 12 weeks! I have to say, I had forgotten how good jumping rope feels and how it just revs you up for whatever follows! Considering that way back when before I began running I used to jump rope for an hour continuously, starting back with only 5' seems pretty lame, but I'm guessing I'll build back up to maybe 15' daily in addition to whatever training I have scheduled on weekdays. I highly doubt I will be up for the jumping on weekends when I'm riding 3+ hours.

I'm having fun cycling through all kinds of abs exercises that I haven't done in years, and it's a good thing because I can tell my abs had gotten used to my regular routine, so it's time to mix it up. And I finally bought (online) a 15-lb. medicine ball with double handles so I can increase the weight on any abs work I do with a medicine ball, and I should be able to add new stuff now that I'll have handles!

My 4-week clean up plan is going well, being on Day 3 now. Maybe it's just the little extra bit of exercise, maybe it's cutting out some crap I was eating, but I feel pretty good, and it should just get better from here, and I'm pretty confident I won't be a fat ass in 4 weeks!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Sometimes I have to break the routine and go back to something I haven't done in awhile.