Friday, May 01, 2009

Wheels Haven't Come Off Yet!

Wednesday's workouts went well. Like this:
  • 5:45AM 15 chinups, 60 pushups, 135 crunches and 6' of jump rope
  • 6:20AM Swim 3100 yards
  • 8:12 AM Run .6 miles (to/from neighbor's for compression stocking duty)
  • 12:15PM Run 1:10 including strides, about 8 miles
  • 5:30PM Lift for :20
  • 6:45PM Run .6 miles to/from neighbor's again

Needless to say, I hadn't originally planned on getting in 9+ miles of running, or doing all the other things all in one day, but it had to be done, and so I did it. Was I tired after it was all done? Hell fucking yeah. The running wasn't particularly fast, but it was fun running up the hill from my house 3 times in one day (it's .3 miles up), wearing 3 different outfits!

While I slept deeply Wednesday night, when I awoke yesterday I felt, well, fucking tired. I'd had an inkling to do a 1500 yard swim in the morning, but opted to sleep in since I'd gone to sleep late. The combination of a big day at work, all the training and being on a pretty tight schedule meant I still needed my "me" time when it was all over, which is usually reading a book in bed. And I also needed more food!

I didn't swim yesterday morning, but I did get lucky in that I had a 9:30AM meeting during which I was able to finish up my lifting for the week! See now that is one of the advantages of working at home in the same room with your weights! I had to finish up legs and a few upper body things and abs, and it felt good to do it.

In retrospect, I should have probably had a protein shake after that short little workout since there's no way I'd restocked my glycogen stores over the 2 prior days. I got on the trainer (it's been raining for days now) at 12:15PM for a 1:30 ride, and since I was a little tired, I decided to drink a can of Coke while riding. Usually that would be more than enough calories for a standalone ride like that, and I didn't even think about it. The ride went well, despite my legs feeling like I'd done a ton of squats (funny, I had), and I kicked out good power.

It only took me maybe 3 minutes to throw on a singlet, hat and running shoes and head out the door. It had stopped raining, and I didn't have time to drive to the Y to run anyway, and it was fairly warm. I felt the humidity in my house while on the trainer, and as soon as I got outside, it was like I was in a sauna! The wind had picked up, but not so bad that it would impact my run speed much at all.

As I ran up the hill (I hadn't run up it earlier in the day since it was raining really hard so I walked to my neighbor's in the morning), I noted that my legs didn't feel all that bad, but what do I know maybe I am just used to sucking? I made it out one mile just under 9 minutes, and that told me that I was pretty tired, but that's OK, I've been putting the hurt to myself.

When I got out 20 minutes to turn around, guess what? It started raining. Not hard, but just misting enough to make me a little chilled, but too bad. I saw another person running in it, and we just smiled at one another. I only had about 2.5 miles to go.

I kept about a 9mpm pace, got home, tore off my disgusting clothes and started sucking down Endurox R4. As it turns out, I think I was bonking pretty much the entire time I was running. My legs didn't feel that bad--they just didn't have much oomph, and while 140 calories in 1.5 hours on the bike would be fine if that was all I did, running afterwards not so much! Still, the caffeine prevented me from totally bonking and besides, I'm pretty familiar with running while bonking, so I can push through it even it it means slowly. Not like I needed to run a marathon!

After I finished working, I made the .6 mile run one more time for the day, and that was after stretching and having a beer, and I was laughing the entire time because I'm wearing an outfit that is pretty stylish and "jogging!" I know everyone up and down the street knows who I am from seeing me running all the time, but usually it's not with "regular" clothes on.

I slept really well and long last night, and today is just a swim and a short (that I really don't need to do) run. So of course, I'll kick it off with some jump rope and other stuff.

The weekend looks like no rain, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to just swim, bike and run a little on Saturday, fix myself an awesome focaccia sandwich, and drive to Dodgeville, WI so I can start riding by 7:30AM on Sunday for 100 hilly miles. That will cap off my big week of biking with a bang! I am sure I will be well shelled by the time I am back home Sunday night, but I hope to sleep like a baby because next week is my big running week! Not like I haven't been doing a great deal of running anyway, but next week's goal is about 45 miles!

There is nothing else I'd rather be doing, and I'm enjoying the challenges I've been giving myself.


1 comment:

Kimberly Rae said...

I still continue to be amazed at the fucking volume you do girl! Rock on crackhead!