Thursday, August 27, 2009

ROTPM: Day 2

Pics uploaded.

First, the rest of yesterday. I don't know if it was the caffeine or if I really have a sinus infection, who knows, but I had a headache most of the evening/night, had trouble falling asleep so I took some Advil PM which just upset my stomach, woke up at 3:15AM with the headache and noticed the power was out, took some baby aspirin which helped with the headache but not with the stomach...oh well.

At least the power came on before it was time for me to wake up (no worries on the alarm--I use a battery-powered clock) so I could make some coffee, although I had backup in the forum of iced coffee in the fridge. In terms of legs, I felt pretty good.

In terms of weather, well, it was raining pretty hard, which was fine since I was swimming in a pool, but I'd hoped to bike outdoors, but from the radar, I wrote that off. I hoped that it might quit before I started running, because I was not interested in the treadmill again!

The swim was no big deal--about the same time as yesterday--although when I started out, I felt tired. Not systemically tired--just not as fresh as yesterday. Still I picked it up and had an OK swim. Even though I'd left late for the pool, I started at the same exact time as yesterday (6:40AM), and managed to be on my bike at 8:15.

Biking felt good. It felt REALLY good. Biking is my thing, I love biking, I could bike all day (wait--I have done that). I felt absolutely no soreness in my legs while biking, and since I felt like I was on a roll, I started plotting changing up the bike and run distances for today. See, this is MY event and I can do whatever the hell I want!

I almost ended up biking a lot longer, but thought that it might make running really suck today, so I decided to stop at 40 miles. Which means that I can either make Sunday only 100, or if I decide to up tomorrow's ride to like 60, then even less on Sunday. Who knows? I will decide tomorrow!

Today I watched Ironman Hawaii 2005, which was the year Shelley did it (in honor of her being Captain of my crew for UMC), and then I watched Running on the Sun, which gave me more ideas of gear I need to get for UMC. I tell you, once I have all this gear accumulated, I am going to need to use it more than once, right?

Also, I thought I'd run further than 7.5 miles. I figured I could go 10, but left that up to my legs. When I got off the bike, I felt a little tightness in the vastus lateralis, but other than that, I felt good to go. I went and checked the radar, and it looked like we might get spritzed in the next hour or so, but I decided to take my chances. I got rid of my bike shorts which were soaked and put on fresh run shorts. I decided against the streamers today since if it started raining it would just be messy. I only took 12 oz. of Gatorade with me since I'd chugged 1/2 bottle of water and finished out my biking Infinit right before I headed out.

At first it wasn't raining at all, and I was surprised to hit the first mile in 8:53. I was really just running a pace that I felt like was comfortable. As I headed into the next mile that includes a bit of a climb, I felt great going uphill, and I just felt super motivated to run well today.

Once I hit 3.75 miles out, I didn't want to turn around and felt good to go out for 5 miles. I was running all the hills, it was cool, and I had plenty of tree cover in case it started raining. When I turned around at mile 5, I really needed to use a bathroom and was rewarded with a porta potty in about 1/4 mile by a train station. While I was in there, a big freight train rumbled through, and I was laughing at my great timing for taking a dump!

I continued on and kept up a good pace and it began raining, more than just drizzle. Oh well, I'd make it home just fine and it really wasn't that bad and I was comfortable as long as I didn't stop, which I didn't.

When I was almost home, I was trying to do some math, and realized that if I ran an extra 1/2 mile that I would be at 18 miles in 2 days, so I ran past my house and got that in!

Here's what I got done today:

Swim 2500 yards in 47:00 (pace=1:53/100 yds.)
Bike 40 miles in 1:55 (pace=20.87mph)
Run 10.5 miles in 1:35:24 (pace=9:05/mile)
Total Time: 4:18.36 (yesterday was 3:23.28--forgot to post that)

HAH! I ran faster today than I did yesterday, and biked a little bit faster too, even though I went further! This training and not working thing is pretty fun!

Total Distances so far:
Swim: 5000 yards
Bike: 68 miles
Run: 18 miles

Mileage to go:
Swim: 5000 yards
Bike: 156 miles (I can do 56 and 100 or whatever strikes my fancy)
Run: 34.4 miles (I'd like to do only 20 on Saturday, so maybe I'll do 14.4 tomorrow)

I stretched out really well and may do an ice bath later. I did really well on replacing my calories yesterday--here's what I ate in addition to sports nutrition:

2 forkfuls of creamed herring
3 beers
4" x 3" homemade lasagna
1 piece string cheese
sandwich: 3 slices turkey, 2 slices white bread, fake mayo, sprouts
Easy Mac!
Ice Cream
(2) Lean Cuisines

As of right now, I have about 1700 calories to go to replace everything today. I also am weighing myself right after I finish running to check how I'm doing on hydration, and it appears perfect--yesterday I was 108.8 and today 108.6.

I have to go to the dentist in about an hour to get a crown replaced (YUK), but after that it's more eating, preparing for tomorrow and then laying around. I really wonder how I am going to feel tomorrow--it would be nice to see the sun, and I do want to get out on Bitchie, but I will be prepared for whatever comes my way.


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