Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's a Sweep!

I did the 3rd and lst indoor tri today, and even though I haven't seen final results, I'm sure I won my AG which means I swept the series!  This is the 4th time in 8 years that I have won my AG for the series--2004, 2009 and 2010.  There were a few years in there where I didn't race at all or was still grieving for my parents and could not perform well.

Today's race had me with my highest ever score, due to the bike.  In talking to other athletes, some are able to spin at 140+rpm, which seems to give an advantage on the bikes we used, but it is physiologically impossible for me to spin that high.  I comfortable run at 100-105 during my typical warmups at home, and during the race I was mostly between 115 and 120.  I also saw some major heart rate!  But I do have this ability to push myself pretty hard on a bike, and was happy for how I did.

My swim was fine--1:54/100 pace, and I wasn't pushing it at all--I was just swimming steady, and I can swim several thousand yards at that pace.  My run was no better than 2 weeks ago, but this was a conscious decision.  I knew I'd left it all out there on the bike, so I decided to just run steady, and that was fine for today.  Considering I biked faster than 2 weeks ago and did not slow down on the run, I'm happy with it.  I think I just need to get back used to brick workouts, a la this article.

I had the most awesome massage, lomi lomi style (2 people working on me at once!), and was told I have very nice scapulae, but of course I already knew that.  Nah, we were just joking around, but my upper back is easy for someone to work on as it's pretty cut up and you can just grab any particular muscle.

After that, a great breakfast (or was it dessert???) at Moondance Diner with Kevin and Marla, and all is well.

My lower abs/psoas feel just fine, thanks, even though I biked 2:20 yesterday and almost an hour today.  The massage peeps commented on how great my muscles felt considering I'd just raced.  I've been giving them lots of loving care this week as is necessary while I pick up training volume and intensity.

Wow--I remember before the first of these races having trepidation that maybe I suck and this will be a horrible year, but I guess that is not how things will go!  12 weeks until American Triple T, which although a race, I am using mostly as big ole fun training weekend!  Still, I need to be in Ironman shape to get through it well, so here comes some big training!

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