Saturday, November 12, 2005


I like to call my brick workouts BRICK-O-RAMA. Makes it sound festive.

This was the same workout as last Friday: Bike 2 hours on the trainer, as 45' warmup, 15' HIM watts, 2' cd, 15' HIM watts, 20' steady watts, 20' HIM watts, cd 5'. Then run 30', and although there are some "rules" for the run, I just do what I can at a comfortable pace.

It seemed easier (also as evidenced by my heart rate, if you care) to hit the HIM watts, and I was using 125-130 for these, but I averaged like 136 for each of those intervals. Interesting, because I know at my fastest HIM that's about where my watts were. But using the rule of thumb that my watts outside will always be higher because it's easier to hit them actually riding outdoors, this should mean that I can race faster next year :)

The entire time I was running I felt like puking. My stomach just has not been right lately, but I had a thought today--that now that I'm able to work harder in workouts, it just means I should be taking in even less calories than I used to? Or else I'm dehydrated. Hard to say. During the ride I drank 32 oz. of Gatorade plus a 12 oz. Code Red. That's 22 oz. fluid/hour (which is plenty given the nice cool indoor temps), and about 200 calories/hour. I need to start tracking my fluid and calorie intake, as the fitter I get, the more precise I need to work it out, otherwise I will either be bonking or puking during races! Although I don't mind the dry heave gagging that I experience lately at the end of these workouts--it's quite entertaining.

Another thought I had today was that maybe I can't tolerate as much "sweetness" in my training nutrition as I could previously. I know that gels pretty much make me gag nowadays, but the one I ate today was an Energice gel, and it isn't that sickly sweet like Gu.

Oh well, stuff to think about and work on through the winter. Perhaps it's time for me to consult with a nutritionist to get this better figured out. I wish the fucking Gatorade lab that's not too far from home would let me in!!!

Time to go grocery shopping. I'm excited because I'll be buying more STEAK. I FUCKING LOVE STEAK!!

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