Monday, November 21, 2005

Today's workouts and other stuff

11:00AM Lift 2x12, 46'. ALMOST finished entire workout, then I just wasn't into it any more. Felt strong. Gee, a day off (yesterday) really does wonders!

3:58PM Swim 1800, 41'. Started the drill workout, and apparently I had read the wrong day on the schedule and I got kicked out. That's OK, I really didn't have to swim today--I may do a nice 1500-yd. workout tomorrow after that piddly little run. It will help my legs, anyway! When I first started, I couldn't get that bad dream out of my head. I'm sure it means there is something that I need to think about.

On the way into the pool, I saw a flock of maybe 75 sandhill cranes flying south! I can recognize them by their chuckle. Then you look in the air and see them flying really high! When I saw them, I said out loud, "I am so lucky." This is 3 times this year I have heard and seen them flying either north or south. Yet I have never seen a live one up close and personal. But I know they are a very special part of nature.

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