Saturday, April 22, 2006


....was the word coming to mind during today's workout, among others. Here's the workout:

Bike 5 hours (ended up at 5:15, 91 miles) and run :30 off the bike.
Bike workout: WU: 60' @ 65-70%, 60' @ 80% MS: 2 x (40' @ 88-90%, 10' Easy), 20' Easy, then 1 x 20' @ FT. Remainder (50') is 80-85%, as you feel. (All percentages are as % of FT. 65-70% is easy (below IM watts); 80-90% is HIM watts. So not an easy ride, really. I had happy 15-20MPH winds , but today got the tailwind on the way home. That part was SWEET!--going 27-30MPH with a huge, silly grin on my face. Also, the groovement was gone, so I got to ride some fresh asphalt for about 3 miles. Also a pleasure!
Run workout: Easy out, steady back. Well, I just ran as best I could on the way out. I averaged 8:25/mile or so. What the hell? I can't believe I can run like that.

Below are excerpts from my internal dialogue while on the bike:
Pay attention! (said to numerous cars with drivers on cell phones)
Fucking stoplight.
This sucks. No, this is how it's supposed to be. If all I do is ride easy, I am slow.
Thank you (pointing upwards) for the wind today. It helps me to work harder.
I feel very scientific! (I rode in Fermilab, one of our National Accelerator Labs, again today)
I LOVE Nitrogen (thought while looking at one of the numerous Nitrogen tanks).
No, wait, I LOVE Oxygen (but there were no tanks of it--I just got to breathe it in)
PLEASE BE WINDIER (thought while the wind was gusting to about 35MPH in my face)
Hello, Bobbleheads (while looking at the buffalo)
Thank you (to a man in a car who let me cross this busy road ahead of his left-turn right-of-way)
My ass hurts (well, DUH)
My neck hurts (after first 2 hours in the aerobars, but I got used to it or else I ignored it)
UGGGGHHHHHH (after the first HIM interval)
I like to pee (while peeing at one of the Fermilab entrances)
Hi! (to at least 50 cyclists today, lots of riders were out)
(hand gesture) Thumbs up (to the guards at the various Fermilab gates since they saw me 4 or 5 times)
I suck (whenever I felt I wasn't generating enough power)
I am fucking great (other times)
I can't believe I am doing this right now cuz I've already put in 11 hours of training this week
I wouldn't rather be doing ANYTHING except riding my bike today (whenever I saw a convertible with the top down)
My bike is better than yours (whenever a motorcycle would drive by me)
I'm disgusting (2+ hours in the saddle you are pretty much like this, right?)
Why do I do this? Oh, it doesn't matter, I have a workout to do.
Why do I do this? I don't know, but I may as well keep pedaling.
Why do I do this? I spent good money on the stupid race fee.
What a great way to get a tan!
I am fucking out of my mind. 6 years running now. It could be worse, though.
Maybe I'll stop doing this after Ironman Brazil and just work out 1 hour a day. That would be like--well, NOTHING.
I can't believe I'm OK with circling around this lab like 6 times. I'm like a hamster or something.
The squirrels look really happy. They don't question their existence, do they?
I LOVE Ultra Violence.


Anonymous said...

hi, i'm new to your blog, and its amazing. but i havwe to know, what is ultra violence?

Crackhead said...

Ultra Violence is Mountain Dew Code Red :) That's my pet name for it, after the movie "A Clockwork Orange."

Steven said...

You are something else, Sheila.
I loved the dialog.

Joe B said...

Awesome. Keep going.

You Rock.

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's always nice to see or read that I'm not the only one who thinks a lott (or must I say nothing) on the bike. Keep up the hard work.

Born To Endure said...

I love that you remember this stuff...I have crazy thoughts going through my head when I ride...usually...please don't let that truck CREAM me..:-))

Julie B said...

Good F+cking workout! You rock.