Friday, May 12, 2006

Another 3-mile Swim (1/2 Ultraman)

Holy crap! This morning I realized that the total distance I swam last Friday, including the 2.4 mile time trial, was 3 miles. That's a hefty swim!

I got to do it again today. I beat last week's time for the 2.4 miles by a minute and change, and my time per 100 yds. went down by 2 seconds, so I'll take it. I figured something out--I get my deep-tissue massages on Thursday nights, and it makes me a little sore the next day, so next week I'll get it on Wednesday so I can see how my last 3-mile swim goes before Ironman Brazil.

I actually thought I was swimming SLOWER today than last week. I could feel some tiredness in my arms and core. I am supposed to be rested!!!! I'm TAPERING!!! Ha ha. I will still hit almost 17 hours this week. So I guess I really am not that rested yet. Next week, though, the volume will really drop, so I will really get to see how well I can swim the distance next Friday.

Although, when you think about it, swimming 3 miles in 1:35 isn't too shabby (that's my total time for the 3 miles). I wonder if this means I could do the Ultraman swim (6.2 miles) in 3:30 or less? Checking the
Ultraman website, that looks to be a competitive time. Silly me, always thinking about the next challenge!

At any rate, I am good with what I did today, and think I can beat my time by at least 2 minutes next week (actually I'm positive I can). If nothing else, doing (3) 3-mile swims will make the 2.4 on race day seem not too bad at all. I feel like my endurance is pretty good at this point. I'd be happier if I could 1:10 in the pool, but it is what it is. I am swimming strongly the entire time, and I feel fine (OK, a little dizzy) afterwards.

This weekend I only have to do a 3:30/:30 brick tomorrow and a 2:30/:30 brick Sunday. If I have time, I will add :20 recovery swims each day, which I find get some of the kinks out after these workouts. The forecast calls for shitty tomorrow and a little less shitty on Sunday. One or both of those days I'll be riding on the trainer. Oh well, too fucking bad. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


Spandex King said...

Wow!! Brazil will be a walk in the park for you. I can't wait to read your race report.

Fe-lady said...

Sounds like you are beginning to taper..your weekend workout is equal to what I do all week! yikes! (And you are in a TAPER!)
So that tells you why I am NOT doing an IM this year!
Hope the weather clears up for you-(I will send some (no, ALL) of the sun's parching HOT!)