Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Regular Doctors and Athletes (Back Update)

So in the interests of safety, I went to see my doctor yesterday afternoon. Diagnosis: pulled muscle (tough to say which one), probably no disk involvement due to lack of apparent nerve involvement. Prescription? No running or swimming (I didn't even ask about biking), and take these muscle relaxants which will make you sleepy all day (while I'm trying to work?).

I asked whether chiropractic might be useful at this point, and I got an honest, "I'd rather see you walk out into the middle of the Stevenson Expressway during rush hour." At least we were in agreement on one thing!

Then I got a flu shot smack in the meatiest part of my left deltoid. OUCH!

Then I went and ran for an hour. I decided I didn't want to take the muscle relaxants last night, and see how things felt today, but that I might take one tonight just to try it out.

Where do things stand? My back is getting better every day. It tightens up when sitting, but I'm able to turn over in bed just fine now. I have full ROM when I stretch, and I am not feeling the least bit limited in my daily activities. Since I swam and ran yesterday and feel BETTER today, I do not think I am hurting things by continuing to work out, although I will lay off the weights for a few more days as a precautionary step. I will try out the muscle relaxants tonight; yet I am not sure they are truly needed, but it's nice to have them "just in case." I continue to take NSAID's at the recommended dosage.

My left arm still hurts a little bit from the shot. The nerve!

So what did I learn from this experience? Because I am in good condition and stretch regularly, and have knowledge about muscles, I am not your typical "back problems" person. That doesn't mean I won't experience the occasional muscle strain. They happen to everyone. If I was sedentary or overweight, I am sure (I hope, anyway) that I would have received a lecture on how activity is good for me as is being at an appropriate weight. Also that I should stretch occasionally. I felt like I was dismissed as an "average Joe," but I didn't feel like getting testy with the doctor. What I really wanted was some sort of rudimentary check that I didn't have disk trouble, which at this point doesn't look like it's happening. So I did get that.

I suppose what I would rather have heard is, "Sheila, you are already doing a lot of things that I would tell a 'normal' person to do in order to achieve and maintain good back health--you are active, at a good weight and you stretch regularly. But your standard of activity is not that of a 'normal' person. So instead, I advise you to go ahead and continue your activities as tolerated, but closely monitor your progress--your back should be feeling progressively better and not at all worse. Also, if you begin to experience nerve-related symptoms you should come right back in and see me. Ideally, I'd like you to stop running and swimming until this passes, but I think you have good judgment and know your body pretty well, so if you can at least take it a little bit easier, that would be a good thing. You should keep taking the NSAID's for about one more week, and here is a prescription for muscle relaxants, which you may use if you feel you need them."

So I'm not really criticizing the doctor--he was just treating me as an "average Joe." That's OK. I recognize I am taking a chance by continuing to run (swimming I'm not so sure is at all bad, but what do I know?), but I will continue to monitor myself closely. Yesterday, after I ran I felt better than when I started, and I did a bit more stretching when I got home. I even figured out to ART myself in the suspected area (my QL muscle).

All muscle injuries are touch and go. It's just that it's tough to do anything without using your back, so I can understand having a sense of caution. Which I will continue to exercise!


Paul said...

Back problems are no fun! I have an old back injury I will aggravate every now and then by performinga squat wrong (or using more wieght than I'm capable of).

I've found the muscle relaxers to be useless for me. I gave up trying the conventional approaches of meds and rest(I've had this problem since 1995).

I find that rest with elevated legs and walking (or running if possible) were best to get me back from severe episodes. Also massage to get the muscles to release makes a big difference!

Good luck! Glad to see you are already running again. Keep it up.

Fe-lady said...

I pulled my back BIG TIME just two days before my wedding a few years ago...I went for an emergency massage and a chiropractic visit. Both helped..and I worked it out eventually. Never went to the DR. as I too anticipated being treated like the "average person with a back problem"-
Glad you didn't listen to all of his/her advice! But then, we are like that, aren't we!?? :-)

Cindy Jo said...

Send me any unused prescription meds please!