Thursday, August 23, 2007

Weekly Workout Totals 8/13/2007-8/19/2007 (Lame) and Various Crap

Even though it was the right thing to do, I'm embarrassed about how little I did last week:

Weekly Workout Totals 08/13/2007-08/19/2007
Swim: 11700 yards (6.64 miles) in 4.05 hours;
28% of weekly workout time;
approx. 1418 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 76.71 miles in 4.38 hours;
30% of weekly workout time;
approx. 2004 calories burned
Run: Approx. 30.24 miles in 4.48 hours;
31% of weekly workout time;
approx. 2017 calories burned
Strength: 1.5 hours; 10% of weekly workout time;
approx. 375 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 113.59 miles in 14.41 hours;
approx. 5814 calories burned
Sleep: 7.96 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.12 hours. Massage: 1.5 hours

On the plus side, I got in a good amount of swimming, running, sleep and stretching. I just hate it when I can't bike like I want to, though.

How's it going this week? I'm taking it one day at a time. It has been raining here every day so far (right now included), so even though I could still go to the outdoor pool (tomorrow is the last day it's open for morning lap swim contrary to what I had thought), not so much. I swam 3,000 (fucking yards--at least when you've become used to meters) on Monday and 3,400 yesterday. I biked about 1:30 on Tuesday, but I had to keep the intensity really low. I ran Monday and Wednesday, but tried to hold the intensity down. That was no problem yesterday because it was 90 with high humidity yesterday! No wonder I felt like crap. Today I'm going to see if I can get close to a 2-hour run in. We'll see...

In other news, I have connected up with the (and I use the term loosely) "organizer" of Nothingman. Turns out he lives not very far from me, and he was kind enough to invite me to dinner with his family last night. I enjoyed meeting his wife and 2 young sons, and we tried to not talk triathlon the entire time! As long as I can regain my ability to train decently for a few more weeks, I'm in. Jostein and I have some neat ideas for our special day, which we intend to be first, a lot of fun, and second, basically a long training day. Anyone who would like to "crew" for us, do parts of the "race" with us or just hang out is welcome. Jostein is going to scope out our swim and run course this weekend. Since we'll be mostly unsupported, and since both Jostein and I could care less if we swim in a pool and run around a 1-mile loop, we're going to keep it simple.

I'm making a deal with my LBSG for my SRM (which has, by now, been stripped off Bitchie), and am getting goods and services for its value. So far, I'm getting red Nokon cables for LGL, an Aquaman Metal Cell wetsuit, Thule bike rack for my car (so other peeps can whore around with me now), and whatever else I can think of. Believe it or not, there's this $100 rain jacket I might get. And then, I swear, I am done buying triathlon crap this year! I think I've overhauled just about every piece of gear. I think now it's time for me to do something different with my body. Hmmm...what might that be?

I hope it's not raining tomorrow morning so I can swim one last time outdoors; but the forecast doesn't look good.

Oh well--keep training everyone!


Fat Loser said...

are you doing psycho century on sunday?

Born To Endure said...

Never mind this training stuff..where's the Tiki Hut stuff?

AND?? Are you bringing your road bike, tri bike or mtn bike to IMWIS..orrrr No bike??

Crackhead said...

Yes, I'm doing Bike Psychos 200K on Sunday (as long as my legs seem up to it; ran 1:50 this AM so it's looking good).

Bringing TRI bike to IMWI, although since I'm getting a bike rack, may be able to bring MTB as well to tool around run course.

No worries on the Tiki will return SOON!

Cindy Jo said...

Why would you be embarrased? The only thing I'm ever embarrased by is the stupid shit I do when I'm drinking, which seems funny at the time.

Michael Lardizabal said...

If you buy that rainjacket for a C-note I'm going to fly down there and smack you !

Nokons ...YES !

Jacket....NO !

PS- Its about damn time you took it easy.