Saturday, September 15, 2007

Shit, It's COLD!

34 here in Madison area this morning. On the plus side, there is no wind. I think it's a good call that we are swimming in a pool. I don't care what the lake temperature is--the surface would be too cold for me!

It's predicted to be 45 by 9AM. Holy blue lips, Batman! I don't think I've ever been on my bike in those temperatures. Let's hope my cold weather gear does the trick.

I didn't even take my bike out of my car last night. Or my swim gear. Or my bike gear. Or my run gear. Hmmmmm....maybe we should have called this non-event "CarMan" or "AutoMan." "BackseatMan."

Nah...NothingMan it is. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

effendi said...

Yeah baby - Backseatman - sounds almost as bad as backdoor man :P