Monday, September 08, 2008

Mellow...Who? Me?

But first, a little food porn. I made my once-per-year deep dish pizza this weekend. It takes 2 days (well, 2 half days, I guess) to make it between chopping and grating, making the tomato sauce, shrimp, dough and cleanup (I don't count making the pesto, which I did a few weeks ago). It's all going in the freezer, with a few slices coming out this weekend. I weighed it--the beast weighs 13 pounds, and I think there is at least a full head of garlic in there between the tomato sauce, BBQ shrimp and pesto.
Pre-baked crust and fillings ready to be added

3 cheeses on bottom (smoked mozzarella, gouda and fontinella), pesto, BBQ shrimp, artichoke hearts and black olives added on

Plus plum tomatoes

Tomato sauce and final cheeses (romano and Parmesan)


I've been sleeping a ton, and even not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. Laying in bed--I could get used to it! Not-training-wise, I did about what I needed to last week. I have some aches and pains here and there, but nothing that I'm too worried about. I've been moving stuff around in the house in preparation for installation of new windows and doors, which is getting me to toss out yet more of the abundant crap I have accumulated. Had a few friends successfully complete their Ironman races this weekend...that always makes me smile.

In a day or so it will be my turn to start thinking about the weather this weekend, and I'm pretty sure I'll have one of those absolutely blissful runs that tells me I'm rested and ready to go. And maybe even get excited about it. Nah--I'm pretty sure I'm going to jump from mellow to excited any day now. Is there such a thing as mellowly excited? That's what I'm going for.


Born To Endure said...

OMG..that looks amazing!!!!!!!!

Oly said...


Mark said...

How many calories per slice? Don't act like you don't know!!!