Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stop Stinging Me!

So today I got stung by something for the third time this year. Usually, I just have the localized reaction (swelling, itching), but this time, I got some hives in various places. Nice! So maybe the third time is a charm? Why am I so attractive to stinging insects? I have lots of bumble bees and honey bees in my yard and they are very nice and don't sting.

First time: 6/27, running, stung on top of right hand, blew up in under 5 minutes.

Second time: 7/15, riding, stung on right boob, localized reaction, no swelling (sadly--I could use some there, but I would have been lopsided)

Third time: 9/10, riding, stung on left inguinal fascia, localized swelling, hives on both arms, legs and ears. Hives are going away after taking some Allegra. Doctor says to get some Benadryl to take tonight.

I'm done being stung. Time for NothingMan.


Oly said...

Ohhh were gonna be a pair, me sick and you with hives... AWESOME!

Michael Lardizabal said...

Good luck Sheila !

Wish I could track you LOL !

Swordfish : )