Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am now lusting for training all the time, as I should be. I want to wake up, train and train some more.

Today I rode 3:05 on the trainer at 82% of FTP, then ran :45 on the treadmill at a pretty good clip and swam 1,000 yards. I got a Brazilian wax and hey, it doesn't hurt a bit. How could it compared to the training?

I'm banging out 20+ hour weeks for the next 4, and I will love it. It will be blissful. Starting today, I am advertising my lust for training. I am smiling like I have a special secret, even while what I'm doing is hurting. I want everyone to know how this feels. It feels FUCKING AWESOME.

Tomorrow I'm riding 100 miles on Bitchie. I can't wait! It is suppoed to be sunny and warm, and I need some of that. Sun and warmth will just fuel the lust.

I made a new friend, and he's awesome--crazy fucker like me--doing IMLP and we'll see one another again at Goofy Challenge, but probably more in the future.

Next Saturday is Horribly Hilly Hundreds, and I can't wait for it! I missed it last year, but it rained anyway, so hopefully it will be hot!

1 comment:

Spokane Al said...

3:05 on the trainer at 82% of FTP - that is impressive!

Plus anyone who posts a video of Iggy Pop can't be all bad - keep rocking!