Monday, October 31, 2005

Today's workouts

Three of them:
  1. Swim 2750 yards, technique workout (6:10AM, 1:03)
  2. Lift 1 set 12 reps, legs, back, chest, tris, abs and core (9:30AM, 40')
  3. Run 50' as 25' easy to steady, 15' strides, 10' steady. Did the first 25' on the treadmill and the rest on the indoor track.

I am pretty tired, especially after yesterday's workout plus yard work. Funny thing I've noticed I have no desire for conflict, deep thought or much mental stuff beyond just getting through my work day. Mondays are starting to be like this more and more, so it's not entirely unexpected. And Mondays are going to become more difficult as the lifting increases, not so much weight, but sets are going to go up and also reps. This is always tough on my physically, but I come out of it very strong, so it's worth it.

I wonder if a return to normal amounts of sleep (for me) is a signal that I've done "enough" self-awareness work for now? Perhaps....I do feel like I'm letting go of some crap, and I'm also very much looking forward to the next few months. My life is going to get crazy again. Let's hope that this time I'm much more mentally prepared.

OK, I'm too tired to type any more.

Ciao, peace out, but here is a snippet of some lyrics from the song, "Keep Control," that I feel has some relevance to me:

i break up all the things behind me
going on the other way
try to find myself again slowly
to move on the other day
all the nights i kept my eyes open
all the days i tried to sleep
wash away the troubles around me
did not see i fell too deep

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