Sunday, June 24, 2007

Good Luck Ironman CDA Participants!

The longer I do this, the more people I know. Now, I literally read the entire entry list to scan for those I know, and here are the ones--send them some good vibes, but especially Brett, because he's been under the weather for a few days. I spoke with him yesterday and gave him all the advice I could (I was very ill during Ironman Brazil last year). Something tells me he'll be OK, but as I told him, we all love him no matter what.

Kurt and wife Shelley: 1409 and 2196
Dave Kuhnau: 153
Andrey Parvanov: 760
Tony Lyons: 740
Trevor Oseen: 671
Brett Cornwright: 878
Momo: 2290
Michelle Boyer: 2293
Mark Seale: 605

I am sure there are others. GOOD LUCK all of you and HAVE A DAY! I'll be thinking about you while I'm doing my tiny 4:30 workout today!

1 comment:

Brett said...

Thanks for the good vibes. I sure needed them!