Thursday, April 09, 2009

Another 4-Peat Today

I don't even know how I am doing this...

5:55AM I am at the Y, and I do 10' of chinups, pushups and abs--15/60/120.
6:10AM I am on the treadmill, and I stay there for 1:39 and then head to the track for the last 11' which were supposed to be Z2, but I figured, what the fuck, run how I feel. I felt great, and it felt easy, and I was running tempo. Go figure!
8:30AM I am in the pool, which is still nice and cool for the 4th time this week, and I knock out an easy 1,000 yard cool down swim. The lag time in between running and swimming is yak time--I ran into a few friends.
2:15PM I finished up my strength training for the week (at home), and it only took 22'.

I am at 9.12 hours of training (not counting the extra crap) for Monday-Thursday. Tomorrow will be about 2 hours, and the weekend stuff will be the same as last week. I might go over 18 hours this week, and despite a few blips in the system, I feel pretty damn good.

Rock solid!

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