Tuesday, April 07, 2009


You know how sometimes you want something to come to a conclusion, but then you don't? Like when you are training really hard for a race, and then you hit your taper and you feel like shit, and for me, part of that feeling is that I really enjoyed the training and didn't have to think about the race itself which is the real test, even though the whole reason for the training in the first place was to bring it to an end and do a race.

I've been a jumble of emotions as I've been training hard (and well, it would seem), and I'm coming up on the 2-year anniversary of my Mom's death, and now it looks as if I'll be able to close Dad's estate within a month if I can get my shit together.

I thought I'd processed most of the grief associated with Dad's death, but being Executor, I guess you never really get to "finish" until the Estate is all done and closed. And so here I am on the cusp of that--something that I should really be looking forward to, and all it is doing is making me feel this mix of stuff that is hard to describe. Like what happens when this is finished? Do I all of a sudden become happy? Do I lose any excuse to underperform, to be less than a good person?

It feels like Dad isn't really gone, but now I know he will be, and I am so sick of endings, and I know I can feel all of this right in my actual physical heart, because I've had that sensation too often lately. Actual heartache! Back in 1994 when I broke my right arm, Dad wrote on my cast, "You are broken."

Who sees this in me, who understands, who wants to know? How can someone know how this feels to me, when it appears to be so contrary to my typical projection? Oh yeah, that's right--I have no fucking emotions--I am here to be shallow and narcissistic and self-absorbed and driven and competitive and successful. That stuff is but a shadow of who I am. But I'll put on the smiley face, try and give of myself to others, because God knows, I can't possibly have any problems, can I?

Fuck, sometimes I think I feel too deeply, care too much, want so much for everyone around me to be happy. I feel that I must set the example, show how it's done or at least put on the show. It's a good one, isn't it?

7 weeks until my next big test. And holy fucking crap, it's going to be a good one. I have never felt so strong physically. And that is what will get me through the next 7 weeks.


Pete said...

Sometimes I think I train and race so I can have a "test" out there to point to, in the process helping obscure the scary fact that ever day is a test, a test to overcome all the limiting shit I carry around (fear, self-doubt, greed, pettiness, etc.). And I have this feeling that the real trick to life for me might be to replace "test" with "opportunity" in that whole formulation.

Anyway, another fine, searching post. Thanks. (I hope they're helping you sort things out or giving you something back, because they are definitely prompting beneficial thinking out here in Readerland.)

Crackhead said...

I write this stuff down because it is what I feel, and I have a feeling (or hope, anyway) there are a few others out there who are not only Type A driven, competitive triathletes, but who go much, much deeper, and maybe this connects with them.

I do go back and reread my posts every now and then, and it helps me see where I was at a point in time, and that while sometimes I think I keep repeating myself over and over in my life actions, I am actually evolving, which was the whole premise of this blog in the first place. It's morphed into this weird statement of various facets of my personality plus a lot of playing around.

I do love to play, but I also love to ponder deep thoughts about myself and my relationship to others and the universe at large. The world is a wondrous place, and I see too many people who act just as they are, perhaps, on Facebook, or Blogger, and they must be afraid to fully be who they are.

It may frighten some people to see me in all my MUCH-ness, but I have to say it's not at all boring, and every once in awhile, I do get the blissful pleasure of finding someone else in the same boat, and after all, isn't that what this is all about?