Sunday, April 05, 2009

Oops! I Did it Again!

Watch/listen while you read and stare:

So I woke up this morning feeling appropriately tired from yesterday's festival, including a little "fatigue headache," which is something that comes with the territory when I'm training this much. I had some breakfast, did some Intertubes, changed my bed and fired up some laundry. After I went outside (in crappy ass weather) to grab the Sunday newspaper, I brought in a new acquisition that inspired me to go ahead and do this little workout:

10 rounds of:
  • 10 chinups
  • 15 air squats
  • 15 military pushups
  • 5 dead bugs each side of body, extended arm and leg about 1" from ground; hold 10 seconds
  • 10 1-2-3-4's, which are standard crunches where you lift your torso progressively 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and all the way up slowly and then back down the same way
It took 28:47, and then I capped it off with 5' of jump rope done as 30" easy skipping and 30" of fast, continuous jumps. So I kept the chinups and abs same as last week but added 50 squats and 50 pushups over last week.


I had company for the workout, and here she is:
This is before we started.

She had to have some help with the chinups, so I strapped her onto the bar!

Her Dead Bug technique isn't as good as mine.

Her air squats left something to be desired, too.

I can't believe she could do pushups on her fingertips--I can't, so I guess I suck!

Nothing felt bad during the workout until I was on the 8th round, and then it was just the chinups that got a bit rough for me, so that's my weak spot in this. Although I am not back at the point where I can do the clapping pushups, either, which I used to be able to do, but I guess that's just something I need to practice.

Here I am (all narcissistic and all, and no I did not wear that cheetah top while doing the workout--I was, in fact, topless!) after finishing up:
Crap my back still looks undeveloped.

It would appear that chinups and pushups are good for my upper body

Me and my workout partner. And NO we're not gay!

I've had this jump rope for over 10 years. It has served me well, and I'm glad to be using it again!

If I look a little tired here, it's because I am. I was a little light-headed, but nothing that some Gatorade and a hard-boiled egg couldn't fix.

Now it will be interesting to see if I can knock out a 2:15 trainer ride and :20-:30 swim. I predict a nap in my future!

1 comment:

Louis Hayes said...

Great to hear about all this functional movement!!
You'll be doing deadlifts and push presses before you know it ;)
We're seeing more and more triathletes coming out to our group WOs. I guess there must be something to it.