Friday, July 13, 2007

Peeps Racing Ironman USA Lake Placid

Every year my list of who I know or that someone I know knows that is racing at an Ironman grows, and that is a wonderful thing.

I've been compiling a super-duper, of all things, spreadsheet, of all IMUSA participants, and have tagged those I can based on how/where I/others know them.

For those of you who don't know, I participate in several online communities: Crucible Fitness forum, Slowtwitch forum, Trifuel forum (and I've published a few things there), and the TRI-DRS LISTSERV (sporadically). I know or feel like I know some bloggers (apologies that I write more on my own blog than I spend time reading others'). I also just know local people and am on email distribution lists for a few tri clubs. The world truly is small!
As an example, yesterday while I'm about 7 miles into my ride, I'm at a stoplight and a guy in a car from the cross direction yells at me, "Keep that Bitch rolling." I'm thinking what the fuck, how does some stranger know my bike's name? So I yell back, "Yeah, that's my bike's name, how did you know?" And then he removes his sunglasses, and it's a guy I know and have trained with. I am sure this little incident fucked with people's heads, especially since I was hardly wearing any clothes (swimsuit bottom and teensy-weensy bra top).

I don't claim to personally know everyone on Slowtwitch or TRI-DRS that is doing the race, but in the picture (click for full size) is a list of folks (so far) that I know that are racing, so for those of you who are watching, remember, these are all really important people that deserve your good vibes on race day. So far, I have the HIGHEST bib number!
Some are first-timers, and then there's idiots like me (and yes, when I registered, I listed "Idiot" as my occupation) who are on #9. How did that happen?
I'm still feeling wonderful!


Born To Endure said...

That is one great list Sheila, thanks for doing that!!!!

Cliff said...


U put me down on your list...thanks.

I put down "Professional Spandex Wearer" in my occupation..on the website they put me down as Fashion :(

See u in a week.

effendi said...

You're doing better then me... if someone rolled up and said "Keep that bitch rolling" I'd assume he was talking about some woman driver I was slowing down..