Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekly Workout Totals 03/10/2008-03/16/2008

I had some good workouts and some not so good ones. Proving that recovering from a HIM can be a tricky proposition. On the plus side, I swam extra, and totally enjoyed it, as 3 out of 4 times I swam the pool was nice and cold. On the down side, my legs hurt like mofos right now even though I just stretched, after completing a 2:30/:30 brick workout today. But I know I am totally warped, because when I hurt like this, I actually feel all nice and content with the world. I suppose part of that is because when you hurt or are really tired, that's pretty much all you focus on, and nothing else really matters. Part of the pain is from 2 runs on the roads this weeks. I tend to not break myself in all that easily from treadmill to road running--both runs were fairly peppy.

Spring is actually coming here now. I saw my first robins the other day, and today I checked around some of the flower beds and tulips are starting to poke up in the south-facing bed. I ran outside twice this week, it's nice to see the sun still up so much later already (thanks, Daylight Savings Time), but on the down side, my body is wanting to wake up earlier even though it's dark. I guess that means my winter of long sleeps is coming to an end, which it surely does every spring. Soon enough the grass will be growing, which means mowing, and crap, I need to order seeds for annuals and some annual flowers. Well, I don't need to so much as it's sort of a spring tradition for me--something handed down from my Mom and her Mom. I cannot grow indoor plants for shit (except for my pet Bonsai from Cindy), but outdoors, well, it seems I have a talent there, and it would be a shame to waste it.

I actually sat down and played the piano for a bit yesterday. That's something I haven't done in months. It reminded me of all the times I would play for my Mom and Dad, and how they thought I was so talented. I suppose if I had pursued that I might, in fact, be a concert pianist today, but thankfully I'm still pretty good at sight-reading and if I just practice a little bit, I can pull of some pretty good stuff. If I can resurrect some Bach, Chopin and Mozart, I'm a happy camper!

And then there's the Tiki Hut. It's begging to come out, but I have some other items I need to clear out of my house before I set that up again.

I guess that this week I'm reminded of all the things I really enjoy doing besides triathlon, which I don't talk about so much on this blog, because, well, this is Crackhead's Mind of Iron. So enough about the non-tri stuff.

If you're catching up on me, don't forget to read the NothingMan 2008 announcement below.

Weekly Workout Totals 03/10/2008-03/16/2008
Swim: 10000 yards (5.68 miles) in 3.55 hours; 23% of weekly workout time; approx. 1243 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 103.55 miles in 5.92 hours; 39% of weekly workout time; approx. 2663 calories burned; Total TSS=463
Run: Approx. 27.17 miles in 4.1 hours; 27% of weekly workout time; approx. 1858 calories burned
Strength: 1.64 hours; 11% of weekly workout time; approx. 410 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 136.4 miles in 15.21 hours; approx. 6174 calories burned
Sleep: 8.21 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.32 hours. Massage: 0 hours

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