Monday, June 23, 2008

4 Out of 5 Dentists Recommend...

biking 5 days in a row...

I'm on day 4 now. I biked to and from the pool (with a 3300 meter swim sandwiched in between), and then a little before noon, I got on LGL on the most absolutely gorgeous day so far this year. It's what they call "a rare day in June." Birds were singing, flowers blooming, the sky is crystal blue with little puffy clouds (yes, our local meteorologist, Tom Skilling, actually calls them that), the grass is all nice and green from all the rain we've had, many people were not working (teachers???), and there were lots of people going here and there on bikes.

Man, I love LGL--she is just a treat to ride! I recalled a conversation on Friday while I was at a bike shop in Hinsdale--I was describing my bikes to a guy who works there, and he got all worked up over the fact that I ride stiff bikes. I am sick and tired of people who act like this--I like stiff rides! And as my buddy, Rich, at The Bike Shop, says, "It's a bike--not a couch."

I went stylin' on LGL--I finally wore a brand new pair of red Castelli shorts with a black top, my red Catlike helmet and black shades. I know I was looking good and received a few catcalls. The shock at my age! Man, my legs are huge now.

While riding today, I saw the frame of a BMX bike hanging from a tree. The kid mowing the lawn sort of snickered at me because I was all smiley when I saw it. I also did a few good track stands at stoplights. Sometimes I don't even realize it when I'm doing it, because when I see someone else doing it I think there's some art form to it, but I guess I do it just fine as long as I don't think about it!

I could feel every little stinking hill in my legs, but I expected that. Thank god I'm getting a massage tonight! And then my priority for the evening is S-L-E-E-P. I've been doing better on that front--last week was the most average sleep I've had in 10 weeks! I am doing a brick workout tomorrow, so I can sleep in a bit in the morning.

I'm not dead yet, so I'll just keep grinding it out.

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