Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First Run since IMLP

For some reason, I thought going for a run would feel bad, but it didn't, and maybe that means I am recovering well. Even better is the fact that I lifted yesterday (first time in 3 weeks), and earlier today I biked to the pool, swam 3,000 meters and biked home.

My quads felt, well, normal! I was sort of shocked. Running uphill didn't feel bad, and neither did running downhill. Plus it was near 90! I only ran 3.5 miles--I felt like I could have and wanted to go further--but I purposely didn't brink any Gatorade with me, which I would have wanted had I gone further.

The only downside is all the glares and scowls I got from women who saw me running. I can no longer stand wearing running shorts up near my waist when it's warm out. I don't think I look bad, but maybe I do?

Today was just a shorty run, and tomorrow I'll add on a bit, and then I'll see if I can knock out maybe 8 miles on Saturday.

I don't often say I like running, but today it felt really good. I'll take it!

Meanwhile, I'm keeping my diet to lean (mostly) protein supplemented with lots of fruit and vegetables.

grilled summer squash, Vidalia onions & garlic

grilled chicken breast, filet mignon and turkey sausage (I HEART meat!)

white flesh peaches and apricots

I'm laying off the starch mostly except maybe for the occasional sandwich. It's still summer, so I'm still very much in the mood for a beer or two in the evening! I'm getting lots of sleep, keeping up stretching, and generally feeling pretty good. Even though I'm allegedly "training," I'm not taking things too seriously at all. Mostly I just want to enjoy what's left of summer by garbaging up on swimming, biking and running outdoors--three of my favorite things! But I have to be honest that I am antsy to train more so I can eat some other goodies that are on my "allowed" list when I'm over 15 hours, like Cheetos, Twinkies and pasta! Oops--just checked what I'm doing, and I guess I might hit 20 hours this week, so my grocery list is going to have some additions!


:) said...

Did you post something other than that picture of meat...because I may have just passed out with hunger...

mmmm :drool:

Crackhead said...

If you are what you eat, then I'm made of MEAT!

Michelle said...

You shouldn't be getting scowls! Hey, you're not running in a thong. If it's hot out, do what you gotta do!

Mark said...

They scowl because you are a sexy crack whore...

Kim said...

holy shit, your food looks fucking awesome, and you look hot as shit! :) no wonder youre in great shape lady!

Oly said...

So I finaly got off my ass and started training for Nothing with a two hour run in 95 degrees, in my short run shorts. Which I'm gonna say might even be shorter than yours. I know how you feel, I get the looks from the womens and sometimes the mens too. ;)

We can pull it off and they can't so fuck em!

Oly said...

With new evidence coming to light, ie; your latest post. Yeah my shorts are not that short. If they were I'd be gay. I am not.

Crackhead said...

You're not gay or "gay" or gay or GAY. Me neither. Not that there's anything wrong with that.