Friday, August 01, 2008

Today's Ride

Before. Wow, I look kind of excited. The outfit is a combo--the top is something I got in Hawaii years ago but hardly ever wear because of the fabric, but it seemed like just the thing to wear with the bottoms, which are Zoot. They are actually a tad too big, oh well, my booty hung out and I don't think anyone cared. I sure didn't.

After. It was H-O-T. 90 with a heat index of 96. Did I say it was hot? It was hot. I rode for 2 hours on Bitchie, drinking really warm Gatorade. Yum. I stopped once to pee at a church (hey God doesn't mind if I water the grass, right?). I didn't feel tired, but I didn't feel great, either. Did I say it was hot? It was hot. REALLY hot. Thankfully it wasn't too humid. But it was HOT.

The forecast calls for even hotter on Sunday, but it could change...most likely to EVEN HOTTER.

Oh well, tomorrow will be a fun day. Farmer's Market to restock the fruits and veggies, a nice run in some sort of swimsuit, a nice swim to keep the tan going, grilling, maybe mow the lawn, fix some bottles, keep working on the house...all good.

About one hour to beer and groceries, a little stretching and some din din. I think I'm going to treat myself to a little pasta tonight. For some reason I'm wanting a bit more carbs. Not like I'm underfed or anything.

I was thinking of this song while riding. One of my favorite Clash tunes. I saw them live years ago back when I was into the "punk" thing. I still feel like a punk. Only a Crackhead punk.


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TriDaddy said...

Great choice in bands! Awesome song!