Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Run Forrest Run!

As it turns out, there's not a decent stationary bike for me to use here in Orlando. And the pool at this hotel is, well, not a pool, so that leaves running. I hadn't originally intended this to be a huge running week, but that's what I gots. I'll get in biking on Friday and Saturday when I'm home. Maybe I'll switch up next week to do more biking. Whatever, it's all good!

All of my bathroom furniture is actually ready to be picked up, meaning my upstairs bathroom will be FINISHED by the time I'm home! Everything else on the list (I've kept a list of every last little thing that's needs to be just so) should also be complete, which means Friday is the big day of the end of remodeling for 2008!

One thing I noticed is that for the past 4+ weeks I've been dehydrated, because I've been off my routine of pee, refill water glass. Well, so I'm here in meetings now and since there's not much else to do at breaks, I'm getting water (or gasp, Diet Coke) and staying well hydrated, and it feels so much better despite not sleeping enough. When I get home, I will have no excuse for being close to water when I'm working and sleeping.

I'm really enjoying my most excellent hotel room (when I'm in it, that is!) and all the hotel amenities (they throw the food and drinks at you), but I'm also very much looking forward to returning home to my new house and settling in for a few weeks. And not spending much money for a bit!

Hope everyone is having a good week wherever you are! Life is good!

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