Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekly Workout Totals 04/14/2008-04/20/2008

That number on the calculator is the total bike miles I've put in since October, 2007. I'm about 200 in the hole as compared to the prior season, but I think that's pretty good considering how much my training was off there for awhile.

For running, I'm at 698 cumulative miles as compared to last season's 853, but I trained for and completed Goofy Challenge last year, so I'm doing good on the running front as well.

On the swimming front, I'm at 175,650 yards as compared to last season's 225,100. Now that's where I've slacked the most, but you know what? It's coming back. My swim yesterday in NuclearMan was my second fastest 1.2 miles EVER!!! Considering it was Day 3 of Triple Dog Dare, hey, that ain't bad. But it's to be expected, as I know that since I've only been swimming for 8 years, and not that much as compared to *real* swimmers, I don't start picking it up until I'm swimming at least 10,000 yards per week. And from here on through the end of this season, I'll be swimming at least that much per week unless it's a recovery week or something odd happens.

When all is said and done this season, I'll still probably rack up my typical 750 hours of training. It's what I'm used to and is a very tolerable load for me while I'm still working full time. With over 40% of those hours being spent biking, I'm a happy camper!

I actually feel pretty good this morning, and am about to go for a short swim just to shake things out. I'm taking the day off from work, and have a number of errands to do that can be done while half comatose, which is how I'm sure I'll feel after trying to move around in the pool!

Oh, and I'll get to finishing that Triple Dog Dare race report later on. It's rather epic, but after all, isn't that what you'd expect from me?

Weekly Workout Totals 04/14/2008-04/20/2008
Swim: 9850 yards (5.59 miles) in 3.3 hours; 22% of weekly workout time; approx. 1155 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 117.5 miles in 6.83 hours; 46% of weekly workout time; approx. 3075 calories burned; Total TSS=451
Run: Approx. 31 miles in 4.7 hours; 32% of weekly workout time; approx. 2124 calories burned
Strength: 0 hours; 0% of weekly workout time; approx. 0 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 154.09 miles in 14.83 hours; approx. 6354 calories burned
Sleep: 7.14 hours avg./night
Stretching: 0.92 hours. Massage: 1 hours

1 comment:

Darren said...

Danger! Danger!
I notice your zzzz's average for the week are down!

All else looks cracktacular! (new word??)