Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Answers to a Few Burning Questions

Since I use software that tracks activity on my blog, and I enjoy reading the stats on how people got to my blog and what they were looking for, I get to see all the Google (and a few other search engines) searches people do leading them here.

Google is a beautiful thing! Not only does it full text index all the blog posts, but it picks up the tags that I assign (alas, Blogger doesn't allow me to use as many tags as I want on a given post). So an innocent search, for say, "bottles" might bring someone here.

Here are a few of my favorite queries that landed people here, and I hope they found what they are looking for!
  1. "calories burned walking around sea world" I'm not sure, but I remember doing this the day after Goofy Challenge in 2007. I'm pretty sure I didn't burn as many calories as I did running the half marathon on Saturday and then the full marathon on Sunday.
  2. "red wine and athletic performance" Well, when I drink red wine the day before a long ride, I typically ride really well. White wine is for sissies (except champagne).
  3. "backyard overrun with rabbits" Well, yes, mine has been from time to time, but the resident pair of red-tailed hawks seems to be helping. Do you know my opinion of rabbits? They are born to be food.
  4. "body fuck love" Don't know what you were looking for, but I think you're in the right place.
  5. "crackhead fucking" You, too. Welcome aboard!
  6. "very bad girls" Yes, I wrote a post with this title. It's very popular in Iran.
  7. "fucking love riding my bike" One of my most popular posts is on that topic. In case you've never READ it, it's here. I'll have to repeat a photo like that very soon. I still LOVE riding my bikes. ALL OF THEM!!! Yesterday I rode my MTB for 2 hours and had an absolute BLAST!
  8. "calories burned swim 2 miles" Why do you care? And how fast did you go? Inquiring minds want to know.
It's going to be another absolutely gorgeous spring day, and I'm going to fire it up with a little gardening, a swim, then a run later on and lift at some point. I took it super easy on Monday, and my ride yesterday was also super easy, and I feel pretty fucking awesome. I'm still basking in the endorphins from my weekend Crack-o-Rama. Cool--I just coined another term to add to my Crackology! I can't wait to see what happens since I'll be tagging this post with "Google."

1 comment:

Fat Loser said...

I always find this blog when I word search "dominatrix." Sports are fun sometimes too.