Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When is it Enough?

I've often asked myself this question, as on occasion, I think I am always looking for the next challenge, the next "big thing" that I can do, whatever. But in truth, I'm basically pretty happy, and I just try and take advantage of experiences that present themselves that may fall into that category or just be something a bit different.

But then there's that side of me that thinks that complacency breeds boredom, dissatisfaction and potentially, depression. I don't seek out change and new experiences as a way of making myself stand apart from others but more in an effort to connect up with them and become a part of the larger human experience.

Then there are those who can't get enough of negativity. Why that is, I will never understand! Why is it that some people seek out the very things that will create or prolong their personal suffering? And usually the way it is with those people is that their efforts to create additional suffering are intended to inflict it on others.

Reality is that we have to put up with both factions in our daily lives. It's unfortunate, but it's the way things are.

Me? Maybe I am Crackhead and all, but at the heart of it is a simple desire to enjoy the heck out of life. To do that, I will keep assembling people around me who feel the same way and doing things that support that philosophy. What could be better than that?

Today was one of those days where I had the pleasure of beginning my day on a few high notes--a good swim (even though I was bone tired and there was no scenery), and being in a positive frame of mind, I think I kept some momentum going through early afternoon--I was particularly excited to begin my work day (I spend a lot of time on the phone with customers, and normally, it's not something I enjoy but today for some reason it was great) and then focus on a few things that needed attention, went for an absolutely enjoyable run, and a few hours later hit a negative snag. I let off some steam and reflected back on the first half of my day, which was blissful, and am now just relaxed.

Here's to those of you who have it or want it or share it and keep the scales tipped to the good:

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