Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just Barfed my Breakfast

What did I learn? Do not jump rope within 2 minutes of finishing breakfast. Of course, I was able to hold off the actual barfing until I finished the jump rope. Had to get it done! And then I gagged while brushing my teeth. Ah, the joys of working out, feeling like shit mentally and getting ready to do a presentation in front of 300 people!

So what am I going to do now? I'm going to lift for about :30 and then try eating again, and then it's off for some (as John Lovitz used to say) "ACTING!"

Tanita, that whore, told me I'm below 110 lbs (before I barfed, just so you know). I guess that means I should start eating more. I haven't seen a number that low since...well since I went through my divorce 15 years ago. I don't understand people who say they have trouble losing weight--maybe they just forget how? I guess my body remembers...er...just add stress.

How do I feel?


Pete said...

I'm glad to see there's actual barf involved this time. I felt terribly misled by that earlier post titled, "Swim Til You Puke," which got me all excited that there would be, you know, puke, but then I read the post and the allusion to coffee during the workout got my hopes up even further, I had visions of brown liquid scattered with a few random chunks of, I don't, bagel or something, creating a little slick in the water, but then the whole matter of any swallowed stuff, food or drink being rejected by your stomach is just dropped, forgotten about, jettisoned -- there's no puke at all, no puke, no barf, no upchuck, nothing, just the grisly details on the workout, 5x150 @T-pace+20"Sl ... whatever that means it sure isn't puke.

Jamie said...

I really don't get people that have trouble loosing weight. I think there is some secret misconception that working out is supposed to be easy.

I'm on track to drop into the 160's by race day in a few months - The lowest that I've been in 8 years, when I was in high school.