Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekly Workout Totals 1/9/2006-1/15/2006

Swim: 6,100 yards in 2.17 hours
Bike: 2.00 hours
Run: 0 hours
Strength: .85 hours
Total Hours: 5.02
Average Sleep: 9.43 hours/night
Stretching: .75 hours (oops! should have done more, but better than nothing)
  • Listened to my coach and did not run a single step
  • Got lots of sleep to aid recovery from Goofy Challenge
  • Did not go harder during my single bike workout than I was supposed to
  • Did not do any leg work during my strength session to aid recovery from Goofy Challenge
  • Stopped eating (cravings stopped) junk food by mid-week
  • Got a mammogram
  • Went out with friends on several evenings!
  • Entered the Western States 100 Raffle (remember: you can enter and then if you win give me the entry, and the donation is tax-deductible!)

This is the least amount of training I've done during a week with the exception of the week after each Ironman race. I could tell my body needed some serious rest and recovery. It only took 3 days post-Goofy for my quads to come around and enable me to walk down stairs almost normally. I had a rew random aches and pains throughout the rest of the week as muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage rejuvenated and readjusted themselves. The top of my right foot is still not right--I am hoping it's just the fascia band that's upset. My right knee is still not right, either--it feels like PFS, but I'm hoping that since I'm not running until Wednesday that it will come around. It doesn't hurt at all going up or down stairs, and it doesn't hurt on the bike or if I jog. I don't have that much training to do this week, so I'm hoping everything will come right by the weekend.


Born To Endure said...

Can you go for a good massage?? Might help with your ITB on VMO, if that's what's causing the PFS..I know in my case, that was always the problem..anyways..good for you for not running!!

:) said...

Don't worry about the time off after Goofy...that was a pretty big weekend!

Have a great week!

TriZilla said...

Good for you for taking the R&R you need. You deserve it!