Thursday, February 09, 2006

172, 173, 171

LOVE those average wattage numbers--from today's bike workout of 3x10' FT (2'). I hafta push when I can to see if I can go harder. YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! And the beautiful thing was that they came at a lower average HR than my 2x20' FT test last week, where I averaged a paltry 165 watts.

My new number to meet or beat for FT interval watts is 170. What the hell! I think my coach threw the number 175 at me knowing that I would try to beat it. If I can make 180 by Ironman Brazil, that puts me in the "Very Good" range for power to weight ratio--the bottom of the Very Good range, but I'll take it. For reference sake, my coach is striving for body composition changes and power increases to put himself into the middle of the Very Good range, so that tells me I must be doing well, huh? Not bad for a 49-YO almost geezer chic.

OK, let's not overreach here, but based on this week, 175 is attainable, with continued hard work. My goal is to make it there in 3 weeks. Can She-Ra do it? I'm going to work my ASS off (and believe me, my ass is getting worked plenty) to give it a shot. After that, I've got effectively 9 weeks to work it some more before Brazil.

Yikes. This is a little freaky raising the stakes every week. But believe it or not, I feel GREAT after the workout. It was only 1:05 total.

This makes 4 days in a row of breakthroughs, which has got to be some sort of personal record for me. I have never felt this awesome in my entire life! Thank you, COLLECTIVE! I'm psyched about my swim workout tomorrow morning. It's a tough one, but all I gotta do is eat well tonight and rest up and I should be good to go.


TriZilla said...

Sounds like you have found a recipe for success, She-Ra!

What a great philosophy though... Reach for more on each workout. Strive for excellence each and every day, no matter what.

Comm's said...

go go go your on a roll. Don't force it let it come or your going fall hard with an injury.

Man what a rush to have that string of good training. Applause.

Brett said...

Great picture. Reminds me of that ESPN commercial where Lance is powering the place on his trainer. Go She-Ra!