Sunday, March 26, 2006

Weekly Training Totals (3 weeks' worth): 3/6/2006-3/26/2006

It's been an interesting past 3 weeks. I got sick, I didn't start my only triathlon prior to Ironman Brazil, my mom was hospitalized and found to have cancer (she's doing much better now--walking and going potty on her own!), my job changed like 3 times (more of that to come, no doubt), I puked my guts out one night (no relation to the URI) and I almost swallowed a live spider.

Out of all those things you probably want to know about the spider. Well, last night, just before I was going to go to sleep, I went into the bathroom to have another glass of water. There was already water in the glass, and I like mine room temperature, so I put glass to mouth and was about to swallow the first swig when I felt something sort of hairy in my mouth. I spit the water out into the sink and saw Mr. Spider (still very much alive) struggling to escape the water. So sorry--I don't normally kill every house spider--only the dark colored ones that I assume are likely to bite me--but this guy, a pale house spider, hey, he had to go down the drain. I laughed that I had almost swallowed him whole and wriggling. Truthfully, it wouldn't have bothered me. I didn't jump in alarm or anything. I rinsed out the glass and refilled it with water and had a nice pull on it, of course, after I checked it once more for spiders!

I guess you could say the stress was piling on me the last 3 weeks. I know it has because my stomach has been acting up. Either that or my body is telling me it wants to be at a lighter weight. If I recall correctly, every time I've managed to bust through another bodyfat percentage plateau, it was announced by my body rejecting food, which is one sure-fire way to get me to eat less! So we shall see. The other thing that enters into the picture is that I changed my long run day from Sunday to Thursday this week, which must have messed me up a bit, and also this was my highest volume training week so far. With everything else going on, it's tough to isolate one single thing at work here; it's probably cumulative. Then there was the simultaneous joy and fear in looking at my training schedule for the next 5 weeks. I have to tell you, it's awe-inspiring, even to me. I have NEVER trained as hard as I am now starting to. Of course, I have never trained as hard as I have for the past 4 months, so I guess this is just a continuum. In summary, I wouldn't wish my last 3 weeks on anyone!

And I'm not sure I would wish my next 5 weeks on someone unless they are really and truly committed to the whole training gig--workouts, nutrition, sleep, stretching, strength training, stress reduction (I'm working on that one, you know), time management. I am sure my blogging will decrease as I will be just too fucking tired to sit here and write. Actually, I'm pretty fucking tired right now. I need to go pack my bike in preparation for next week's training camp.

So, herewith are my last 3 weeks. Read it and weep!

Swim: 9,550 yards in 3.43 hours; 21% of weekly workout time

Bike: 6.5 hours; approx. 114 miles; 40% of weekly workout time
Run: 4.68 hours; approx. 30 miles; 29% of weekly workout time
Strength: 1.58 hours; 10% of weekly workout time
Approx. Calories Burned by Exercise: 7,415
Average Sleep: 9.14 hours/night
Stretching: 3.38 hours (MOST EVER)

Goals from Last Week:
  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night. DONE.
  • Stretch 15' per day. DONE.
  • Continue to recover from illness and return to full-strength training. DONE.
Accomplishments This Week:
  • Met goals.
  • Hit highest weekly training hours so far this season.
  • Hit highest weekly stretching hours so far this season. I think I’m synching up my stretching with my volume/intensity automatically now. This is a good thing!
Goals for Next Week:
  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night.
  • Stretch 15' per day.
  • Continue mental work to reduce stress.
  • Use common sense during the training camp to monitor fatigue, etc. Although we have a schedule, I’m flexible. The goal is to get in some solid biking; everything else will be gravy.

Swim: 4,400 yards in 1.52 hours; 13% of weekly workout time

Bike: 3.75 hours; approx. 66 miles; 33% of weekly workout time
Run: 4.58 hours; approx. 29 miles; 41% of weekly workout time
Strength: 1.45 hours; 13% of weekly workout time
Total Hours: 11.3
Approx. Calories Burned by Exercise: 5,524
Average Sleep: 9.39 hours/night
Stretching: 2.05 hours

Goals from Last Week:
  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night. DONE
  • Stretch 15' per day. DONE
  • Recover from illness and assess ability to race Ralph’s. More or less DONE. Mostly recovered from illness--nagging cough hung around, and decided on Monday to not race Ralph’s, as I wasn’t feeling like I’d be recovered enough by the weekend.
Accomplishments This Week:
  • Met goals.
  • Listened to my body and continued resting Monday and Tuesday.
Goals for Next Week:
  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night.
  • Stretch 15' per day.
  • Continue to recover from illness and return to full-strength training.

Swim: 8,650 yards in 3.15 hours; 34% of weekly workout time

Bike: 1.42 hours; approx. 25 miles; 15% of weekly workout time
Run: 3.03 hours; approx. 20 miles; 34% of weekly workout time
Strength: 1.6 hours; 17% of weekly workout time
Total Hours: 9.2
Approx. Calories Burned by Exercise: 3,936
Average Sleep: 9.0 hours/night
Stretching: 2.35 hours

Goals from Last Week:

  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night. DONE
  • Stretch 15' per day. DONE
  • Hang tough. Well, I tried to, but despite my best efforts, I got sick on Friday, 3/10, and was unable to work out Saturday and Sunday.
Accomplishments This Week:

  • Met 2 out of 3 goals.
  • Listened to my body and rested.

Goals for Next Week:

  • Average 8+ hours of sleep per night.
  • Stretch 15' per day.
  • Recover from illness and assess ability to race Ralph’s.

1 comment:

Julie B said...

You are doing an incredible job on reaching your goals. It has to be difficult, with all the personal issues (work, mom's health, etc) going on as well. You aren't letting anything get in the way! Good job.