Monday, November 27, 2006

Weekly Workout Totals 11/20/2006-11/26/2006

I thought it might be time for me to start being more accountable to the blogosphere again, and perhaps to provide some motivation to myself and to others.

How am I doing on my goals for the season?

  • I'm maintaining my weight, and I assume my body fat percentage. I won't take any measurements for another month, which will be interesting to see how a big uptick in running affects the old body.
  • I haven't scheduled my follow-on medical appointments. BAD GIRL!
  • I'm doing a good amount of stretching. I keep finding new stretches and adding on to my repetoire. Plus I have more time now that I'm not training so much, and yard work season is coming to a close (yeah!).
  • I bought a 12-lb. medicine ball for my ab workouts and have been using it for 2 weeks now. I haven't caused any DOMS by moving up from 10 lbs., so it makes me think I could go heavier, but this is enough for now.
  • I have been doing an extra delts/lats workout weekly. I am not sure whether it's doing any good, but it doesn't seem to be hurting anything either!
  • I had arranged for some private swim coaching, but it hasn't come together yet. No worries--I have found a Plan B, and until I get the privates, I'm doing a 4th swim workout of primarily drills, and I think it is helping me.
  • Biking is taking a minor back seat to a current swim and run focus. I don't think I can improve my FTP much between now and Goofy Challenge; at best I hope to maintain it. It sure is nice to be spending less time monkeying around just to go biking.
  • Despite my disappointing 1/2 mary time in Miami, my running is still holding well. I ran 2 hours yesterday and covered 13.2 miles, so I am not losing any fitness there. And I feel prepared for 5 straight weeks of 2+ hour long runs to be ready for Goofy Challenge.
  • Still, I've kicked off my 2006-2007 season with a first in AG win at Miami Man 1/2 IM, and set a minor PR at the 5K distance. Not a bad way to kick things off!
So now the focus becomes to not get injured while putting up some serious running time. What will that take? Continued attention to stretching, sleeping plenty and good nutrition. I didn't really go crazy with food on Thanksgiving, and now I'm at the point where I need to make sure I'm getting enough calories with all the running I'm doing.

Weekly Totals 11/20/2006-11/26/2006
Swim: 11000 yards (6.24 miles) in 3.93 hours; 26% of weekly workout time; approx. 1377 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 79.92 miles in 4.57 hours; 30% of weekly workout time; approx. 2297 calories burned
Run: Approx. 33.46 miles in 4.97 hours; 33% of weekly workout time; approx. 2407 calories burned
Strength: 1.53 hours; 10% of weekly workout time; approx. 383 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 119.62 miles in 15 hours; approx. 6464 calories burned
Sleep: 8.93 hours avg./night
Stretching: 3.6 hours. Massage: 1.67 hours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your consistancy is amazing. Way to keep it up...

And nice job at the 5K.