Saturday, December 30, 2006

An Eye for an Eye?

I don't believe in it. How is the deliberate killing of one human being justified, even if that human being tortured and killed others? What does that say about a person who condones such behavior? Only that killing is "sometimes OK." Sure maybe self-defense, but beyond that, I don't see it.

I was raped and robbed by 2 men, and while the emotional side of me hoped for capture and retribution, and I had many a fantasy about shooting them firing squad style, to me that makes me just as much a monster as they are (or more likely were--I seriously doubt they are alive today--they probably OD'ed on some drug or another). Do I support justice? Yes. Punishment via incarceration? Yes. Execution? No.

I do not think that all men and women who enlist in the armed services and end up killing the so-called "enemy" are monsters. Some probably are. It's just the law of statistics.

In the end, I believe that everyone gets their just due one way or the other.

I cannot see how the deaths of 3,000 plus US troops (at our own government's hands--WE sent them there) in Iraq has accomplished anything. If the Iraqis want to kill one another without our intervention, that's fine by me. But we have put our own men and women in harm's way. We are not fighting a war. We are merely providing targets.

Is the execution of Saddam Hussein going to stop the violence in Iraq? Stay tuned. But apparently it will make some people feel better. Not me.


Ellie Hamilton said...

Hey Sheila -- this is good. Very well-thought-out and well-put. My own beliefs are very similar.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We need to remember that there are always alternatives to more violence.

Spokane Al said...

Although I do enjoy your thoughts and writings, I must strongly disagree with you on this issue.

Take care, and keep up the hard training and insightful perspective.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila - I thought you seperated politics from triathlon.

Crackhead said...

I don't know if the Anonymous comment is from the same person who admonished to be "more personal." What could be more personal than my feelings about violence? Then, I'm asked about separating triathlon from politics?

Dear Anonymous and everyone else,

If you don't like what I write, that's OK. If you want to tell me so, that's OK, too. It's OK for people to disagree on things.

If you think differently of me now because you've learned some more about me that you wish you didn't know, that's your prerogative.

We each control our reactions to things around us. I, too, read other blogs and frequently see things that I disagree with. Sometimes I say so, sometimes I don't.

I also read other blogs where the writer is asking for advice. Sometimes I provide my opinion; sometimes not. In many cases I find the author really doesn't want advice (I suppose they would seek it out on a forum where there is something closer to true dialog). Sometimes the author really does want advice.

I have friends with whom I don't agree on many fronts; sometimes we argue; mostly we don't. I am OK with that.

Happy New Year!

Fe-lady said...

Unfortunately there are terrible, evil, awful people in the world, and they shouldn't be allowed to hurt those that are not evil and just want to live a peaceful life.
So I am for having these people removed- permanently if that is what it takes.

Anonymous said...

i guess we should forget about the estimated tens of thousands people saddam had murdered while he was sitting in a lavish palace smoking a cigar, barely batting an eye.