Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Weekly Workout Totals 05/21/2007-05/27/2007

I'm working on the epic race report for Triple T. It's up to 3 pages and that's just getting through the first race! I hope to finish it today or tomorrow while the memories are still fresh in my brain. I realize now that registration for 2008 will open in a few weeks, and I need to be ready to sign up again!

When I estimated how long the TTT races would take for training purposes, the only one that I got remotely close to was the first race, the prologue. I didn't look at results from past years to find someone similar to me so I could figure it out, and then you don't know how people paced anyway. But the good news is that I ended up with more training hours last week than planned! That can never hurt, as long as the recovery is appropriate. I've already drawn up my training plan through Lake Placid, and it looks solid, and we'll get to my race predictions another time.

I don't usually post my cumulative totals until the end of the year, but now seems like an appropriate time to show you how far I've come since last fall:

Weekly Totals 05/21/2007-05/27/2007
Swim: 12059 yards (6.84 miles) in 4.2 hours; 20% of weekly workout time; approx. 1471 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 136.65 miles in 8.98 hours; 43% of weekly workout time; approx. 4519 calories burned
Run: Approx. 37.66 miles in 6.85 hours; 33% of weekly workout time; approx. 3110 calories burned
Strength: 0.75 hours; 4% of weekly workout time; approx. 188 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 181.15 miles in 20.78 hours; approx. 9288 calories burned
Sleep: 7.96 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.3 hours. Massage: 1.5 hours

Season Totals 09/18/2006-05/27/2007
281309 yards (159.65 miles) in 98.83 hours
Bike: Approx. 3164.52 miles in 181.66 hours
Run: Approx. 1028.05 miles in 159.27 hours
Strength: 52.26 hours
All Sports: Approx. 4352.22 miles in 492.02 hours; approx. 210182 calories burned
Stretching: 92.48 hours. Massage: 50.92 hours

So I've almost hit 500 hours of training in 36 weeks. Not too shabby! And I've done 8 triathlons and 2 road races in 2007 so far, and I've got 2 more triathlons to go. SHIT! I just realized I said I'd do the Ironman Wisconsin race the week after the "real" race, which we are calling "NothingMan." What is wrong with me? It's only 8 weeks after Lake Placid. I just took a break to make a schedule through that, and I should end up with about 750 training hours for my season.

I better get back to training now...


Michael Lardizabal said...


Congrats on your TTT weekend. Thats just awesome how well you and Cindy did. Cheers!

effendi said...

Triple T sounds like a horrific sort of way... maybe one day...