Thursday, September 11, 2008

What it Takes to Do a NothingMan

Looks like we are going for Sunday, as Saturday will be rainy and cold.

Here is a selection of provisions:

Had to defizz some Ultra Violence and Coke for the run

Need some fizzy Coke for biking and lots of water

More water for the run

Things that are salty

Some blinky things :)

Some malty/hoppy things

Something with wings

Something bubbly

Something jizzy

In case it's cold on the run


Morning caffeine

Oh yeah that pizza's in the freezer

Gatorade Tower

Got some schwag, too, but that's a surprise!


:) said...

fun fun FUN!!!

D said...

How did you defizz your pop? :D

Crackhead said...

The simplest way to defizz pop (or soda, depending on where you hail from) is:

1. Open can or bottle
2. Wait

The scientific way is to increase the surface area over which the gases can dissipate, which is why I empty the container into a pitcher and let it sit, uncovered, for 2-3 days. You can do it on the counter top or in the fridge. And then once defizzed, you pour it into whatever and keep it chilled and you are all set.

I suppose if you poured it into a bowl, it might defizz a bit faster, but then you have the problem of transferring it from bowl to other container, which is why I go with pitchers.

Although for "everyday defizzing," (I'm really Martha Stewart, you know), I just open a can and leave it in the fridge overnight. Coke isn't as fizzy as Mountain Dew, and will usually give it up overnight.

Defizzing on the road: Buy your pop 3 days ahead of when you need it defizzed, open the bottle/can, put in fridge and let it sit. It may not defizz completely, but it's better than nothing. Again, if you have large glasses (I tend to carry those large, plastic beer cups that hold 20 oz. with me), it will defizz better and faster if you pour it into those.

Please don't ask how to defizz in space or underground. I have no clue! Also, I wouldn't think you could defizz on an airplane, I mean, where is the gas going to go? Right back into the pop, that's where.

Born To Endure said...

Wow...all that freaking money for an Ironman and I got was gatorade, water, and some cardboard like pretzels...YOUR NOTHING MAN RACE ROCKS!!

Cindy Jo said...

I can't believe its finally here!!! Have a GREAT day - you DESERVE IT! I will be thinking of you :)

triguyjt said...

enjoy nothing!!!!!

aka martha stewart of the crank set


Dying to know: is anyone joining you? where does this take place? I'm guessing the swim is in an indoor pool.

Since my DNF at Louisville, I've been contemplating (what, am I nuts?) doing a solo ironman distance training day. I think I should have my head examined!

Have a great day. Sounds like a lot of fun, without all the stress.

Good luck! Can't wait to read the race report!

Aaron said...

Go get 'em Crackhead. Can't wait for the race report on this one.

Tri-ing Rose said...

Have fun at Nothingman tomorrow! I'm looking forward to the race report.

The food looks great, by the way!

D said...

Damn... I was just trying to bring back "how to make flat coke", but you really took it to a whole new level. That was all very scientific. :P

Darren said...

Damn.. I thought WTC put on a decent event..

Yours just plain rocks!