Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Writing for Another Blog

My friend, Brett, has asked me to begin contributing to his excellent blog, Triathlon Jones, which is geared towards beginners. So I wrote my first piece here. I was pretty amazed that I could write something so short yet true. I get asked or I hear people asking quite frequently how to become a better biker. It's not rocket science! Sure I have a power meter, but even without one, it boils down to a few simple concepts.

I enjoyed writing this article and hope to write more. If you are or know of beginner triathletes, please send them over Brett's way. He knows a few things and more importantly, is 100% into the mental aspects of training and racing, which is one of the things that led us to become friends.


:) said...

Good article! :)

Brett said...

Thanks, Sheila. You rock!