Thursday, May 14, 2009


Not that I'm religious--that's just an expression I use when I feel like my life is spinning out of control, or at least that I'm trying to control it.

I will hit 15,000 yards of swimming this week. In thinking about running, I looked at the total time and thought how the hell will I hit that??? But then I looked at the workouts (prescribed my evil fucking bitch of a coach), and I am supposed to run off the bike both Saturday and Sunday (4 and 3-hour bike rides, respectively). Oh, OK. Fuck me in the ass, I'll do it. This is how Triple T is going to be anyway.

So I'm swimming this morning and I swam a bit more than I needed to (which was NOT AT ALL!) and I'm thinking I should run more than 2 hours today--2:15 would be better. Hell, 2:30 would be even better, but I don't think I have time for that, so I'll go for 2:15. I'm heading to Waterfall Glen in the middle of the day, and it is awesome running weather so that will be all good.

We had some thunderstorms last night, and I was awoken at 10PM (I was asleep I think by 8:30?), but the strong stuff passed through pretty quickly, but still the broken sleep got to me a little.

Today sort of begins the countdown to Triple T in terms of all the shit I have to get done before leaving...organize my race nutrition, final grocery shopping for the cabin, baking, cleaning (I'm a girl, eh?), etc. And then assembling my pile of crap for racing. Remember, the rule for Triple T, just like for an Ironman is find all your triathlon crap--ALL OF IT--and put it into your car. You are going to maybe need pretty much anything, especially clothes. I have heard the water temperature is in the upper 50's again, and I am happy about that, but I learned from last year that I should start off the bike ride with more clothes. I am so fucking vain about tanning, though, that I'd rather shiver my ass off while biking.

And then there is this slight inconvenience called work. You know the drill, if you are in the business world--you need to work extra hard before you go away so that all hell isn't going to break loose when you get back or else it's useless to take a vacation in the first place!

Still, as hectic as things are getting for me right now, I am enjoying it because, well, this is one of the reasons that I train, right? But I will have a spot of sadness in attending the funeral of a close friend's Mom tomorrow. I am sure that will put a lot of things in perspective. I am a little frightened that I won't be able to hold my own emotions back for my friend, because this will bring up the past 3 years of my life which have consisted of death and its aftermath, and it's still not finished. But I will try and be strong for my friend, because he's got a long road ahead of him and I only hope that I can give him some comfort.

Tomorrow morning I am going to throw on my wetsuit for a nice, long swim in the fucking hot pool. Oh well! It will be good to see how that works. I am sure it won't be tight on me, but it may still feel that way putting it on before it's been properly soaked and absorbed some water.

Bear with me as my madness continues, but I know that this is the part where those 5 people who actually read my blog start to really enjoy things. Watch her go nuts! Maybe even the Tiki Hut will make an appearance in the next few never know!



Shelley said...

Yes yesssssssssss more TIKI HUT!

Cyber Stalker said...

You are soooo right about how you put all of your gear in the car. I'm coming to Triple T with Jodi and her gear. Dress warm and have a great weekend!

IronSnoopy said...