Monday, June 22, 2009

More on Horribly Hilly

The more I read elsewhere about this ride and specifically this year, the better I feel about how I did.

Here's an article about the last rest stop, which is about 100 miles and 7800 feet of climbing in.

Here's a blog post by a guy who had to walk many of the hills. Interesting to note it says the temperature reached 88. Look at the graph at the end that shows that last climb into the park. It's brutal!

Also, checking my archives, this was my 5th and fastest attempt at the sonofabitch (although in 2006 I only did 100K since it was just 2 weeks after Ironman Brazil and I knew better).

There is another ride in the area on July 11 called Insane Terrain. The 200K course has a road on it called Roller Coaster Road. I think I need to go there...

1 comment:

Kenny said...

It's not everyday I get to touch a woman's monkey, so the pleasure, for now, is all mine! Sounds like you had a great ride. There is no way in hell I could pedal up that last climb. That climb is the mother of mother fucking climbs. Sat, everyone in my group was saying no way, never again. Today, the emails are flying that they want to do it! I'm not committing to that MF at all, way to soon. Like I said, I suck at hills! I like your writing style, the apt description of the course sucking is accurate, but, we all rode it under our own free will.
PS-love your pic