Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can't Believe How Good I Feel

This morning I awoke just before the alarm went off. I sort of knew it was time to get up based on my body temperature. Once I start warming up and throwing off blankets, I'm ready.

I got on Clipless Fuck by 5:57 and rode to the outdoor pool on a beautiful day. The sun was behind some clouds, but it was still light enough to not need a light on the bike--besides, I don't have one! My legs felt pretty good even though yesterday I'd swum, lifted and run--and yesterday's run was great!

The pool temperature was just perfect, and I settled in for an easy 2000 meters, chatting up a few people. The water was just so great, and when I finished, I showered and started riding home. It was during the ride back that I had this sense of complete bliss wash over me. I felt very content, at peace with myself and the world, and feeling like I was doing the right things for myself. I was so blissful that I was singing along out loud to my iPod! I know a few drivers heard me, but I could care less. I was just smiling and pedaling and feeling wonderful. I can't remember the last time I felt just like this, but I hoped I could hold that feeling for the rest of the day.

Alas, I have a job to do, and well, not exactly bliss there. But not bad, either. I got out again around 11:30AM to do some more riding on Bitchie, and initially I selected a top that I thought was fine for the weather, but after warming up for about 6 miles, I stopped back at home because I was too hot. It was still gorgeous outside, and once I headed out with less clothing, I felt better. I decided I'd try and do some intervals today and see how that felt.

Sure enough, when I hit my interval loop, I was able to crank pretty well, and while I didn't experience the same level of bliss as in the morning, it felt good to go hard, and I know I was smiling a ton even while pushing the big gears.

When I got home, I assessed how my legs felt, and really not bad! I was glad that my plan called for a run "not off the bike," so I'd get that done later on. I did, however, eat a lighter lunch than I normally would, because I didn't want to chance feeling like crap for my later run.

After I finished work, I headed out to run and it was still, well, gorgeous. I don't usually run in the evening, so it was interesting to see all the commuters in their cars looking at me--I know how fit I am and how fit I look, so I am not surprised.

While the run wasn't stellar, just as I had done yesterday, I picked up the pace on the way back home and surprised myself. My ability to push myself has just changed this year, and it's all for the good.

When I got home, I had to put the recycleables out to the curb and mow the lawn, so I just now finished eating dinner and now I need to stretch and get to sleep, since I need to be in the pool at 6AM tomorrow!

I don't expect these moments of bliss to occur very often, so it's important for me to write it down when it does happen, so I can go back and remember what a wonderful feeling it is. While it was happening, I was thinking, gee, if everyone in the world could feel this way, a lot of problems would be solved. I think that even if you can experience bliss every now and then, it gives you a different perspective on life and maybe, just maybe, you gain something from it that might help you lead someone else down the path.

Time to stretch!

1 comment:

Cyber Stalker said...

It's really good to here you so happy. You deserve it.