Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ROTPM: Day 1

Pics are here.

Checking the forecast last night, it looked pretty good for rain today, but still I acted as if that wasn't going to happen. I chose bike tops, shorts and socks, and run shorts and hats assuming it wasn't going to rain for 4 straight days.

I set my alarm, set the coffeepot, got my swim bag ready to go, cleaned 6 pairs of sunglasses (I have many others as well; but there are 6 that I wear regularly), cleaned and lubed LGL, and got to sleep.

It was funny that I felt the typical nervousness before a race as I lay in bed, and I even had some of "the dreams." Sometime during the night I also changed the parameters for days 1 and 2, figuring I may as well just make them the same, so 2100 yd. swim, 28-mile bike and 7.5 mile run. Which would mean that if I run 13 on Friday, then on Saturday I only need to run like 24 miles. "Only!"

When I woke up today, it was already raining, and there was a big radar blob that looked to hang around most of the day, and wimp that I am, I decided I do everything indoors today. I just didn't want to deal with cleaning the bike again, being miserable, and possibly contributing to worsening whatever touch of viral crap I have. So I got LGL set up on the trainer for when I arrived back from the pool, and packed a gym bag so I could run on the treadmill at the Y.

I left for Good Samaritan (the only open pool in the area, it seems), right on time, and I should have been swimming right at 6:30, but I decided to jabber with a couple of guys before I got going. No worries, I started at 6:40.

Since I hadn't swum since Friday, and Friday was a whopping 4,000 meters, it felt really good to swim! The water temperature was nice as was the air, and I was glad to do it. Somewhere during the first 500, I decided I should just swim 2500 yards each day of ROTPM, so I'll end up at 10,000 yards, which is sorta like Ultraman distance, but 10,000 isn't that hard anyway since I've been doing about 12,000 per week for awhile.

The swim went by quickly, and it was nice to take a hot shower before changing into my bike clothes. It was still raining when I left, and there was some rush hour traffic, but I was back home and got on the bike at 8:10AM, so I was sticking on my schedule only 10 minutes late. I put in a tape of the 2004 Ironman Hawaii (the year I did it) and settled in with my bottle of Infinit.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd been on the trainer, but it didn't bother me one bit, especially knowing all I had to do was 28 miles and I was fresh as a daisy! I actually stayed in the small chainring for the first 45 minutes just to force myself to not go too hard. I have discovered this year that I bike best when I can be at 100+rpm. My average cadence today was 105. At IMLP it was 92, which is good considering all the climbing.

I toweled off a little and headed to the Y (still raining), and got my favorite treadmill. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been on a treadmill, but I thought it was a good thing I was on one now, as it would be a good way to reintroduce my legs to running for the torture I am putting them through in the next few days!

My warmup pace felt nice and easy, which is how it should feel, and I could have run harder and faster, but I chose not to.

I was on top of my nutrition today--following what I'd mapped out in my spreadsheet, and even drinking more while running that I normally do. So I get to do the same thing tomorrow! Only I hope it's not raining--I'd rather bike and run outdoors, but we'll see.

Here are today's totals:
Swim 2500 yards in 47:00 (pace=1:53/100 yds.)
Bike 28.125 miles in 1:24 (pace=20.09mph)
Run 7.56 miles in 1:11 (pace=9:23/mile)

Mileage to go:
Swim: 7500 yards
Bike: 195.9 miles
Run: 44.8 miles


It's still raining, and I must try and nap a bit, and then get up and eat, stretch, think about tomorrow and do it all over again!

I am still quite giddy over having been invited to Ultraman Canada, and I am very happy that I am doing ROTPM, because I am thinking of so many things that will be relevant to UMC. Even though I've done Triple T a few times, I am being more meticulous with ROTPM because there is that Ironman at the end. So off to bed I go, and will catch up tomorrow on Day 2!


1 comment:

Trevor Oseen said...

Looks like I am going to have to book half of Wednesday at work reading through your report(s).

Thanks for the positive vibes as we all missed you out here in Penticton only for you to be here again in 11 months.