Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year-End Summary

First off, Happy New Year to everyone! Tonight is supposed to be a "blue moon," so if the sky clears, I hope to catch sight of it!

I usually just look at my training and racing on a "per season" basis, and my season usually begins September-October, but lots of people take the calendar year approach, so I decided to track that as well.

So here it is, since you know I'm a numbers junkie, enjoy, or should I say SHOCK AND AWE:

As you can see, I have 2 jobs ;) I keep having doubts about this Ultraman thing, but then I complete a crazy workout that I am able to recover from and I think I'm doing OK.

Oh as far as racing goes, I think I summarized in an earlier blog post that I had a great year. Won my AG at 5 sprint races and a half Ironman, PR'ed at the Ironman distance and did my first 50K+ run ever. If you include my ModerateMan on Thanksgiving weekend (4 mile/60 mile/13.1 mile) and then last week's Day 1 Ultraman workout (close enough--5.4 mile swim/90-mile bike) and Revenge of the PirateMan, I think I'd have to say it was a pretty darn good year. I had tons of fun, challenged myself in new ways and did SO many things in training I have never done before, and 2010 promises more of the same!

I am kicking off 2010 by swimming 10K (not 10,000 yards--meters, please, so like 11,000 yards), which will be my first time ever and then I plan on watching Ironman on Universal Sports the rest of the day.

Here's to a challenging, wonderful and fulfilling 2010!

1 comment:

Michael Lardizabal said...


I feel so lazy when I come by your blog. You are a total BAMF ! Happy New Years !

Mike "Swordfish"

PS- I miss your pics,especially the Barbie ones : P