Sunday, March 21, 2010


I basically did the same training week this week as last, except that all the running was RUNNING! 37 miles worth, which is a good week, I think.

I seem to have gotten a slight "breather" this week, in that some work stress decreased, and it has (mostly) warmed up so I got in 2 outdoor rides and a few outdoor runs. Working out outdoors has a definite impact on my outlook on things, except that now I realize I have a good amount of garden cleanup to do! But, the difference in working at home and being able to take a short break and go outside into the sun is huge vs. just doing something inside the house.

My right side is still a bit messed up, but at least I know it's my QL (quadratus lumborum) that is at fault, and I know that I have injured it a few times in twisting falls so when I start to pile on the volume, it is susceptible to trigger points, which is all this is. It also made me realize that I need to change up my stretching/yoga/trigger point routine, as my muscles get used to being stretched a certain way and then the stretches become almost useless, so I need to change the stimulus.

Remember this--the body requires change to adapt to increasing load and maintain or increase fitness. It is maddening, but true--if you keep doing the same thing all the time, you will lose fitness/flexibility, so you need to be aware of the need to change things up every so often. A normal, periodized training plan already has some change built in, but even in the constraints of one, you still need to mix things up quite a bit. For example, change the route/terrain you run/bike on, perhaps change where you swim or play around with your breathing patterns (something I like to do), change the order of body parts in your strength training or change the exercises. A lot of what is classified as overuse injuries is, I think, a lack of change. For me, I have been doing a helluva lot of biking and running indoors, which puts me mechanically in nearly the same position all the time, so I need to break the pattern.

I am starting to feel almost able to cope with my planned training for the next 6 weeks, which is a good thing. I will be building in recovery weeks, but now is the time when I am "training to train" which in Ironman lingo is preparing your body for the final period of super high volume that builds that final fitness you need to do well. Looking forward, I even think I will be able to manage some 22-25 hour weeks out in July. Isn't that crazy? It will be mostly biking, though, as that is still the biggest part of Ultraman. THANK GOD!!!

I am just really happy it is spring, even though we had some snow yesterday. But it's still March, so that is to be expected. Soon enough, it will be beautiful, gorgeous spring weather, which I have come to love so much! There are tons of birds here now, and it appears the recovery from West Nile virus continues. Lots and lots of robins, a decent amount of cardinals, and even (strike me down for saying this in a year or two) crows. The resident pair of red-tailed hawks alights in my backyard every other day or so to take a break from cruising the neighborhood for hapless squirrels and other prey, and I am always happy to see them! The onset of spring is always such a wondrous time to me--I forget about a lot of the plants I have and yet there they are coming back to greet me and put a smile on my face.

Oh and the first day of UMC shall henceforth be known as "Frabjous Day!" I can't wait for it!

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