Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the Season get in some solid training hours with a different mix than spring/summer. Here's what I did this week:

Totals Week 18: 12/06/2010-12/12/2010
Swim: ATP: 14350 yards in 5.17 hours
Scheduled: 14350 yards (8.14 miles) in 5.17 hours
Actual: 14850 yards (13578.84 m / 8.43 miles) in 5.1 hours;
27% of weekly workout time
Longest swim 8500 yds (4.82) miles
Approx. 1785 calories burned
Bike: ATP: 5.25 hours
Scheduled: 5.25 hours
Actual: 110.15 miles (177.27 km) in 5.25 hours, Total TSS=0
28% of weekly workout time
Approx. 2363 calories burned
Run: ATP: 5.75 hours
Scheduled: 5.75 hours
Actual: 32.27 miles (51.93 km) in 5.52 hours
(28.27 miles/4.52 hrs run; 4 miles/1 hrs hike)
29% of weekly workout time
Approx. 1937.86 calories burned
Strength: ATP: 1.42 hours
Scheduled: 1.42 hours
Actual: 3 hours (1.72 regular; 1.28 extra crap)
16% of weekly workout time
Approx. 750 calories burned
All Sports: ATP: 17.59 hours
Scheduled: 17.59 hours
Actual: 150.85 miles (242.77 km) in 18.87 hours
Approx. 6835.86 calories burned (9435@500/hr)
Sleep: 8.5 hours avg./night
Stretching: 3.17 hours stretching, 1 hours massage

I have one more fairly big week coming up and then a rest week and then lots of running to prepare for Gasparilla, although I've been running a lot for a few weeks now.

My ability to sleep over 8 hours a night is returning, although I have gotten into a bad habit of going to sleep around 7:30 and getting up at 3:30 or 4AM. That allows me to check on things at work before my morning workout, do a workout, work some more, then do another workout mid-day. I have always liked early morning, and if I can get a few things done plus a workout before my main block of working hours, I'm a happy camper.

My left hip/glute complex is doing quite well. Amongst other things, my massage therapist helped me identify that I had some nasty ass trigger points in my hamstrings. Hamstring trigger points can refer pain up into the glute and also down into the feet. I have nearly resolved them, though, and think I have 100% flexibility back in my left leg. Quite a change from 4 weeks ago!

I am having my old running orthotics refurbished. Meanwhile, I'm using some OTC's from Sole--the moldable kind. I can really tell my feet have become quite picky as to which shoes I run in, and I'm back on the lightweight New Balance 904's (that model is now history having moved up to 905). Even though I wear them out in less than 250 miles, I just feel better running in them.

I am still only down about 2.5 pounds, and would like to shave off another 2-3. There is no more candy in the house, and I'm being watchful of my overall intake. I know some fat has come off and I've tightened up my midsection, so I'm moving in the right direction.

I'm feeling pretty good on the bike now, and (gasp) I may have even raised my FTP, although I am not currently measuring watts. I can tell on the trainer by my average speed, and it's going up, and I'm able to hold a pretty good gear for a long time now, even when I'm starting out already tired, like yesterday I ran 30' and then walked an hour and then got on the bike for 2:15. Not bad considering I'd swum 8500 on Friday! And then today I ran 1:55 and then swam 1,000 (just to chill out) and felt pretty solid.

I'm still not at a point where I expect to be too fast either running or swimming, although I am seeing hints of speed in the pool and on the run. That is fine for now, as it's a trick for me to maintain the volume I need to be at and also be working on speed. Too much intensity plus high volume is a recipe for disaster. I was glad that today after running 1:40 pretty much Zone 1 on the treadmill that I was able to bust out some just over 5k pace running on the track.

During Friday's swim, I got bashed on my left hand by a crappy swimmer next to me. Dude tried racing me a few times, and I was more than happy to speed up to show him who's boss. So I guess he decided to reward me by clocking me real good. I had to stop and ice my hand for a few minutes, and it's still a little tender even today, but no significant damage. Add that guy to the list of people who shall forever be afraid to swim next to me, which is fine by me! I practically hug the lane rope and yet these dufuses manage to hit me every so often. The guy had hit me once in one of my calves before he got my hand, and when he hit my hand, I stopped and said "That's TWICE." He knew it, too. He immediately high-tailed it for the end of the lane and got out. Fine, buddy, stay away from me.

Then this woman got in the lane with me, and she will always get in my lane even if there are other lanes with only 1 person. Why, I have no idea. Within a few minutes, I noticed she had moved my stuff on deck. She had nothing with her. I was kicking to cool down so I asked if she moved my stuff and she said, "Yes, it was in the way." In the way of WHAT? You standing on deck for like 10 minutes deciding when you were going to get in? I told her to never touch my bottles. I don't want someone else's germs on those when I am drinking out of them, you know? I know I'm such a bitch, but too bad. She's a crappy swimmer, too, and she's clipped me many times with her imitation backstroke. There needs to be lane signs that indicate not speed, but "able to swim on one side of the lane and not touch the other person in the lane and also not touch the person in the adjacent lane." I have been clipped by someone in the next lane, too, doing imitation breaststroke or backstroke and sometimes by wide-swinging front crawl. Hey people--I know I'm cute and all, but STOP TOUCHING ME!!! As long as it doesn't hurt, it sort of just makes me laugh. If it's a good swimmer, I don't even mind.

I have also been having discussions with the Y management about the pool temperature. On Wednesday it was EIGHTY SEVEN! That is nearly deadly if you are lap swimming. On my way out, I saw the guy who allegedly maintains the pool and asked him why it was so warm (it is supposed to be kept at 84), and first he says something about how hard it is to keep the pool cool enough (what the fuck when it's only 15 outside????), then I called him on that statement and then he comments on the old ladies who ask him to make it warm. So I had a chit chat with the facility director, and inquired as to whether the temperature was a negotiable thing. I thought so, it is NOT. And she's all like she needs to study how it's done, and I tell her NO, I have swum at many pools, many with cavernous buildings and windows and all that and SOMEHOW they manage to keep the temperature within a narrow range. Today I saw some clipboards with paper and pen attached for people to write comments, and I saw someone had written about how the pool is too cold and I wrote back THE TEMPERATURE IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. All they have to do is post something that the pool is X temperature as a compromise to lap swimmers and others, and that is what it will be kept at so SHUT THE FUCK UP. I would like it colder than 84, but I am OK as long as it doesn't go a hair over 85. If it stayed like that, I would have no complaints. But over 85 and into 86 or 87, and I am very uncomfortable, as are other lap swimmers. Oh well, yet another thing to make me spend time on something I would rather not. But many people will do nothing, and that is just lame.

I just sent email to Ultraman Hawaii folks asking when I can apply. I assume they will let me in for next year ;) I was lucky to have a long conversation with a friend who did both UMC and UMH and got to hear all about Hawaii. It will definitely be harder on Day 1--way more climbing on the bike. I do intend to do more bike training this time around, as I want to be well prepared to hopefully PR in Kona. I can't do much about the heat, although I will do some specific heat acclimation workouts in the weeks before I get to Hawaii, and I will get there over a week in advance, depending if I can stay with someone else and work from there for a few days.

Some days I can't believe my life is the way it is. My life isn't perfect, but I have the physical strength and health to do something I love A LOT and I'm doing distance I could never even CONCEIVE of just 5 years ago. How great is that?

And now my plan is to lay on the couch and watch a Bears game. Even though I'm not a big fan of winter, it is nice in that I'm not doing super long rides and there is no more yard work to do (except incidental snow removal) on weekends, so laying on a couch I will do!

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