Monday, April 11, 2011

Long Time no Post

The 3 people who read my blog have asked what's going on, and the 3 people who regularly communicate with me on Facebook, so here goes...

I'm on injured reserve. Some sort of muscle imbalances plus some amount of training a lot for 10 years I guess. Sciatica, which is just a symptom, not a root cause, is the order of the day. I waited too long to do the needful--once I was experiencing symptoms bilaterally, I knew it was time to do something.

Did the doctor and a bit of physical therapy. I don't have the $ to go to a pro sports physician, and I know more about myself than most PT's can tell me, so I excused myself from that 2 weeks ago.

I haven't run in about 4 weeks and just started biking last week. I have kept swimming, but stopped the super long swims on Fridays. No sense in doing them when I'm not officially training! I am not registering for Ultraman Hawaii.

I guess this is the rest I've needed for a long time. Right now I'm just happy that I can bike some, although it's not all on the road bike yet. I've been doing some walking, but it bores the heck out of me. If I lived in the mountains, I'd be hiking a ton, but I don't live in the mountains, sadly, and last time I checked, you can't rent a mountain in Illinois.

Since I figure I have had some sciatic symptoms for about 9 months, it could take awhile to undo this. One thing the PT did tell me was that I have weak abs. Well, I don't think they are truly weak--maybe my back is just a lot stronger. So I have been doing extra abs work, which can never hurt. I have also needed to change up my stretching, because some stretches just weren't working any longer.

At one time I had a few hypotheses about how I got to this point but I really can't put my finger on anything. Not like I can't use the break, though, right?

Yes, it's made me depressed. Not so much taking a break, but not knowing when I will be 100% again. I'm not debilitated--it just hurts if I sit too long (which I try to avoid), and running seems to aggravate it. I'm not in lots of pain--it's just annoying. I want to wake up, get out of bed and not feel ANYTHING in my glutes/hamstrings--then I will know I'm truly good to go.

I recognize that I need to be careful because I could easily overdo something else and make things worse. Someone asked me about water running, and I have no desire to do it. I have lost my drive, and soon I will be OK with it, because I am not fatigued all the time and can do other things. Mostly I just want to be able to go on some long rides!

I think my mega training days are behind me now, and that's OK. But I still want to stay in the triathlon game, and am itching to get back to it, but I am going to take my time with this so I heal up right. Like I said, one of these days I will wake up and nothing will hurt and I will sit down and nothing will hurt and then I will begin thinking about competition again. Until then, I'll keep swimming, lifting, biking as much as tolerated and stay generally active. I will say that going from what I was used to down to 11-12 hours a week makes me feel truly lazy. Plus I need to be more careful about my diet. I don't think I've gained any weight, but I can see how easy it is to overeat if you're not working out much at all. No more constant snacking or eating until I'm completely full at dinner time. Sucks!

I will learn from this as I always do--how to recognize and be even more tuned into things going on in my body. Last year was just so crazy that I can see how I misinterpreted some things. Add to that a built up tolerance to pain and discomfort and there you go.

Well this too shall pass I just hope it's before summer!


Cort the Sport said...

Well, frankly, that DOES suck and you are entitled to say so. Yeah and one of the worst parts is not knowing how long it will take and where it will take you. I only know since I have a current injury story that I will spare since when you are injured it really doesn't help to hear about someone else's. Your best is NOT behind you, but yes, you'll probably learn some good stuff from this experience. Still it sucks to have it happening, and to have to monitor how much dinner you eat ;-) Hang tough, blog it out! We'll read and support you!!!

lisa said...

Well if YOU have weak Abs, the rest of us are totally screwed...!

Have been wondering what you have been up to and when our paths will cross again?!

Heal up and stay in touch, okay?


Jones_Jack_Joe said...

Hey Sheila,

Linae's husband Joe here. I also have pirformis/sciatica on both sides and feel your pain. I found a good deep tissue massage therapist and he was able to give me some relief. I had mine on one side for months and then developed it on both sides. Total of about 9 months for me too. Exactly the same too, sitting sucks, not tons of pain but enough to not run, bike, etc. (About a 4-5 out of 10) My only advice is a good deep tissue massage. Chiro didnt help me but massage did for a time. I am still wrestling with it but at least I can sleep now. Keep me posted and hope you (we) feel better.

Andy said...

Sorry to hear about being sidelined. Nobody likes that feeling, and as hard as you like to go, I know that taking it easy is not your speed. You said it best though, it will give you some time to do other things. Way to make some lemonade :D Get better soon!!!

Julie B said...

Hey Sheila, sometimes the only way we rest is when we are forced to. Still, 11 hours of workouts while injured is much more than athletes during their training are getting. This too shall pass. Hang tough !