Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekly Workout Totals 3/12/2007-3/18/2007 and Miscellaneous Stuff

Sorry this is a little late.

Recap of last week: I toned things down as I have been feeling like these crazy weekend race/long run combos have been doing a number on me. I've still got 2 1/2 months until Triple T, and I'll be ready for it, and then another 2 1/2 months until Ironman Lake Placid. No worries! Can you believe the Crackhead is not concerned about her training volume?

Truth is, I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning in the house. One thing led to another, and I am going through much of my house and doing detailed cleaning, which to me includes assessing every object and whether it needs to stay or go. I ended up shredding a bunch of old checking account ledgers (I've switched to paperless) and other financial stuff (word to the wise: if you are going to buy your own shredder, GET A GOOD ONE! The one I bought is a piece of crap and gets jammed if you look at it the wrong way), cleaning all exposed hardwood floors, vacuuming every closet to remove spider webs and dust bunnies, etc. I've got 2 cell phones that I am going to recycle, and an old IBM Thinkpad that is probably toast that I need to find an environmentally-friendly way to dispose of.

The other thing that's happened is buying a new bike has unleashed a spending binge of sorts, but on stuff I need. I already got 4 new swimsuits (my Splish addiction grows; but 3 of my old ones are nearly worn out so this is justified), I ordered shoes to match my new bike and the Bitch (I'm not talking about bike shoes here--these are REGULAR SHOES THAT MATCH!!!), ordered seeds and plants, some underwear (my basic Jockey stuff), a few CD's, a new triathlon book (I'll review it here when I've read it), a helmet, and I just ordered some winter cycling clothing for later this year and next year in my "big cycling year of 2008."

I used to be a real stickler about an insanely clean house, and then I took up triathlon. My house is still usually cleaner than any friends' homes I visit, even though they mostly have cleaning services, but I always think it could be cleaner. I've let go of a lot of my former cleanliness obsession, but getting back in touch with it on a temporary basis has been kind of fun. I remember in my pre-triathlon days when I'd have the house just so, and I would love spending a leisurely Sunday reading, cooking or sewing in a fully clean house! Now I'm just happy if I get the dishes done....

I've located a buyer for my Power Tap, and I'm close on selling my Trek road bike as well. Both will have great new homes and bring much enjoyment to their new owners. I hope I have the new steed next week!

I wrote to the head of a local bike club regarding membership, and I included my typical training paces. The response I received was that there are a "few" riders in the club that go that fast, but that most are recreational riders. Oh well, I'll keep looking...

Oh yeah--I have my last indoor triathlon this Sunday. Frankly, I don't care if I beat SBH--she's already won the series by beating me 3 times--but I decided this week that all my exercise is easy aerobic stuff--I am not doing a track workout on Wednesday, and I am not doing hard bike intervals except maybe today, and then next week will be my last week of rest, and then I really need to START TRAINING! My sleeping is improving--this morning I woke up at 3AM, and I read for 1/2 hour and then fell back asleep.

Have I commented yet about how my strength training has paid off this season? My arms, chest and back are all bigger and stronger than a year ago. My legs, hips and butts are still the same size, so WOO-FUCKING-HOO! For awhile there I was doing an extra session of upper body work, so I guess it has paid off. Funny thing is I haven't gained any weight, so my guess is my body fat went down maybe another .5-1%? Whatever, I can certainly tell how my new swimsuits fit that I've gotten a tad bigger across my chest and back. Now if only I would start swimming faster...whatever.

Happy Spring, by the way! It's only a matter of time before the daffodils are blooming, and I'll try and remember to take some photos of my flower beds, as the beautiful parade of blooms begins!

Weekly Totals 03/12/2007-03/18/2007
Swim: 7700 yards (4.37 miles) in 2.65 hours; 22% of weekly workout time; approx. 927 calories burned
Bike: Approx. 81.39 miles in 4.65 hours; 38% of weekly workout time; approx. 2131 calories burned
Run: Approx. 22.04 miles in 3.39 hours; 28% of weekly workout time; approx. 1532 calories burned
Strength: 1.48 hours; 12% of weekly workout time; approx. 370 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 107.8 miles in 12.17 hours; approx. 4960 calories burned
Sleep: 8.21 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.27 hours. Massage: 1.5 hours

1 comment:

Robin said...

I need to do a major decluttering around here, I'm hoping you've inspired me to give it a go this weekend. The first spurt of warm weather sent us all outside, and the house is...well... neglected would be a kind word ;-)

Congrats on your new bike and gear, it all looks *great*!