Saturday, July 07, 2007

Critique My Bike Position

This is a picture that Rich took of me today while out riding the Ironman Wisconsin course. It was on Birch road just before the Old Sauk Pass climb. Initially he told me he thought my stem should be shortened slightly, but I don't at all feel stretched out on this bike. I think this is probably the best picture of me on the Bitch ever.

When the entire camp began riding today, I led everyone away from John Nolen Drive. I was a bit surprised that I was the chosen leader, but I was told later by a woman that since I was wearing "almost a thong" that it was only natural that I should be the leader, and so I was. It was fun knowing that I was leading a number of not-yet-Ironmen out on their very first ride of the Wisconsin course, that I know like the back of my hand. It's been a bit odd for me to be with these folks since I try and not think about my own race until I really have to, which should start to happen sometime next week, as I begin to organize all my crap. But it's also good to sense the excitement these people have, and it rekindles my love of the sport and the people in it.

I only rode 68 miles today, as now my taper for Ironman Lake Placid begins. I was a little sad doing the ride today, since it means I have to begin resting, but that's what's needed now. I ran :40 off the bike and ran pretty well considering it was about 90 degrees out.

During the last 15 or so miles of the ride, I rode with Eric, who is attending the camp here, and he and I are both light and we both run power meters, so we were comparing watts and talking about how we ride the bike. We had a good run back into Madison, getting a tailwind on Whalen Road which totally rocked! Eric ended up calling me "Turbo," I suppose because I can really pour it on when I decide to. Today was just about having fun riding the bike.

Tomorrow is a running clinic (been there, done that, learned a lot), and then I get to run 1:30. It's supposed to be extremely hot, but I feel like I'm pretty acclimated to it. I'm going to talk about something or other for about :15 before we begin running, and I'm sure I'll come up with something to keep people interested, and then it's onto the run, a few more hours of Rich talking, and then he and I drive back to my house.

Rumor has it that Rich is going to actually go SWIMMING with me on Monday morning. OH THE HORROR! He's swam all of maybe 200 yards in the last year. When I suggested we go at 6:30AM to the outdoor pool he looked at me like I was crazy due to the early hour. Hey--us poor schmoes have to swim early since we are usually doing a second workout later in the day. But I guess we can wait until 8:00AM to be in the water, and then we'll just go for an hour.

Camp is fun, I had a great day, and I hope everyone else did, but now it's time to get some rest for my really not-so-big day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Darren said...

Yea, great pic! You do looked slightly stretched out, but if you're comfortable, that's what important. I like the look of everything else - you could always post on slowtwitch if you want to be ripped apart. :)

Hmm.. 2 weeks from now, we'll be on the bike..